my life in this sweet surrender...

ok, Tara. i've updated my blog! haha... damn. by blog is effing dead.
anyway i've been busy for the past few days/weeks/months/whatever you want to call it. coz firstly, i've become addicted to Godfinger and secondly, I CAN FEEL THE O-LEVEL PRESSURE. DAMN. FREAKING. STRESSFUL. anyway...
June 14 - that's where i stopped blogging. for a while.
for the last 2 weeks of June, i literally stayed at home and do nothing but study (well, sometimes) and pure slacking.
June 29 - start of Term 3. damn.
July 8 - Aussie concert band came to our school. Joni "found" her future hubby. lol.
July 10 - cycled with Joni, Stacy, Jessica and Tara (did i miss anyone?)
July 21 - National Accounting Quiz. this one i can still remember what happened after the competition:
Us: *waves at people from outside the bus*
Some boy school bus from the competiton: *bus went behind us*
Us: *waves at their teachers*
Teachers: *ignores*
Us: wth???
Boys from other school: *waves back*
Us: *waves back*
Boys: *writes an number on a paper, ask the driver to show us*
Us: *pretends to copy the number, wrote a number, shows them number*
Number: 995XXXXX (995 is for emergency. lol.)
Boys: *one of them literally jumped onto the driver's area, looked closely at the number, copies in handphone, calls, gives the 'wtf face'*
July 23 - went to Golden Village with friends to watch Inception
July 30 - went home, Jag came to visit, took a power nap and literally slacked at home.
i can't remember everything.
lol. bye, suckaszx.
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.