still you said forever...

i just got home from the Night Safari. and it wasn't i expected it to be. it wasn't that nice, though the animals are cute. lol. scary atmosphere, coz you'll be walking in pure darkness. lol... the ampitheatre? i honestly expected more. lol. and at the intro theylet the animals walk around the stage one by one. AND THIS HYENA SHITTED IN FRONT OF US! LOL. EPIC HARDCORE SIOLLL.
anyway then we went to the tram ride. went around the safari. didn't really walk that much coz it was super dark i can't feel like my eyes were open. lol....
and my teacher actually thought that i was Jamaican!!! DOUBLE LOL HARDCORE.
and at the Bongo Burgers, i queued up FOR TEN MINUTES just for a bag of fries, NOT TO MENTION THAT THE WAITING TIME FOR THE FRIES WAS TEN MINUTES.
oh mann... CAN'T MY DAY GET ANY WORSE?!?!
though i enjoyed the rest of the trip.
and sorry, people. no photos. my camera batt died and i can't find the charger, so i kinda didn't charge it.
that's all. i'll update if i remember anything else. goodbye, sucka.
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
will i hear your voice again?

i just had frozen yogurt with homie. THE BIG TUB, YKNOW. and it was awesome. AWESOME. haha...
anyway i received some of my results for Prelim1. so far i've failed one. and the other one i'm sure yet as the other component's not out yet. i'm still waiting for my Amaths and Geography results...
right now i'm getting scared for my O levels, so i've started my revision! yayyy... studied when i got home, edited some pics like the one above, blogging,and eating. coz i'm stressed. no. nonononono. i didn't eat coz my yogurt made me feel bloated. but it was SUPER POOPER UBER DUPER nice! eyelooooooovetttt! :D
oh and we saw Tara at White Sands!
what's gonna happen in the next few days:
Friday: Results day. (i know. shit.)
Saturday: shopping (or WINDOW SHOPPING) with Joni, Ashling and maybe SiYing if her parents allow her.
Sunday: going for mass with Anthony and Marie.
goodbye, sucka! :D
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
XOXO, ♥hugs and kisses!

this week was awesome. Friday went to Stacy's chalet near OCH wit the gang and it was awesome. had karaoke until like 9-ish, then went home. (:
Saturday went to TM with my brothers and saw Anthony there, and bought a few stuff and then went to Dean's house, went to swim in the pool with baby, went up to watch a movie and canwhored with Marie, Mei and Inah. (:
Sunday? it was sad. i didn't get to see my babe in church. ): and my mom's friends and the relatives came from Philippines.
Monday went to the Diongs' house and it was BEYOND AWESOME. the house is nice. it's my dream house! O:
but im okay with a nice and cozy condo unit, coz i dont want my future house to be huge. something like my current house is okay...
Tuesday, back to school.
lazy to blog. chao, suckazxzx!
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
you appear just like a dream to me...

last week was hectic coz of exams. so far i'm doing alright (but heck not for Geography!!!)
Friday went outside to eat MacDs for lunch with my gang. then went home... talked about funny stuff. lol... can't remember though.
Saturday my family and relatives went to Pasir Ris Park for lunch, then at dinner we went to Anthony's house. studied POA and ate dinner with MarieMarie and watched a movie. and then Anthony taught me a bit of Amaths. and then Joy came and watched another movie but halfway through the movie i already went home.
Sunday was one of my best. days. ever. went to church with Anthony and his parents and then went to find my brother after church and Marie was already downstairs with Inah and their friends and then my brother went home first coz i have to buy something for my niece. and Anthony have to buy something from TM so we both went TM and Marie and their parents went home. went to eat at a sushi store for a while and went to Popular to buy my dad's DVD cds. and then went to Toys R Us to buy something for my niece. then went Precious Thoughts to buy our moms (and my grandma) something for mother's day. then went home. i honestly had fun. even just walking around TM is fun with him. seriously.
later that same day we had a party and Anthony & family and Dean & family were there. but Marie wasn't there. Mei and i went looking for Marie. ):
Anthony had to go early for camp (he stayed there for only 30 minutes! D:) so i went down tothe bus stop with him and stayed with him until the bus comes.
went back upstairs to study and talk to Dean and Mei and watch the parents look at my baby pictures. lol...
today was Geog paper AND I THINK I REALLY, REALLY SCREWED UP BIG TIME. coz firstly, there was a party. i had to go to the supermarket THREE TIMES just to buy the ingredients of the food, and was asked to do some house chores (and my brothers are playing and they didn't even help!)
but i read up my notes, though. the paper wasn't that hard. but it's because you have to choose between two questions for each part of the whole thing. so the first question was about natural vegetation (i focused on that topic last night) and the second one was about rivers and coast (it just comes naturally) so i choose the natural vegetation question coz i actually studied for that, but i regretted it. I CAN ACTUALLY ANSWER MORE QUESTIONS ON THE SECOND QUESTION!!! damnit. oh well...
then after the exam my gang and i went to Fatima's place to take Stacy's laptop, went to MacDs to eat lunch (or "brunch") and walked around T1. and saw JingYi (CCA friend) and Esther and YanYing. lol. then went home. (:
and now, blogging.
oh oh... i'm thinking of making a blogshop for accessories. and if the blogshop didn't go well, i can keep the accessories for myself! lol... i think i'm gonna make a blogshop after O Levels. during JC/Poly (IF i can get to JC/Poly. lol.) AND if i already have money. lol...
bye, suckazxzxzx!!! ;D
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.