I'm wishing, for the one I love, to find me... today.

today was an awesome day, i must say. went to eHub (or near eHub) at Fish n Co. with Joni, SiYing, Stacy, Jessica, Sheri, Fatima and Joy. (did i miss out anyone?) and talked about lots of stuff... ok here's one...
Fatima: *talks about her being short*
Joy: if you're short then how about me?!?!
Joni: if you're short then how about me?!?!
Fatima (to Joni): dude, you're taller than me!
Joni: i know...
and Sheri hates being under the sun. and for the fact that she's pale, she looks like a vampire. so we call her "sparkly" coz vampires sparkle under the sun. lol... AND SHE'S THE ONLY ONE WHO THINKS THAT I LOOK LIKE A 17-YEAR OLD.
here's another one
Bea: *gives Sheri the little girl look*
Sheri: don't give me that (i forgot what she said) face!
Bea: i was thinking of telling you "dont give me that sparkly face" but i decided not to.
ok here's another-another one...
*Joni, Fatima and Sheri talking about me*
Bea: sorry i couldn't understand. yguys are too fast!
more, more!
lol and when we got out of school,
Joy: *shouts* so where are we going?!?!
Fatima: *shouts* i dont know! ask them!!!
Joy: *shouts* Joni where are we going?!?!
Joni: *shouts* i dont know!
Stacy: *shouts* can everyone just stop shouting?!?!
walked to the other bus stop. and then everyone except for Jessica crossed the road...
Si Ying: where's Jessica???
Joni: oh no she's stucked at the other side of the road!!!
*cars keep moving*
Si Ying: oh no! Joy save Jessica!
*Joy mimes pulling Jessica*
Stacy: Jessica! take my hand! *reaches out but she needed like 10 meters more to reach Jessica*
Fatima: you can just put Sheri on the middle of the road and she'll sparkle and all the cars will stop.
lol... not exact words, though.
Joy: *sings Low by FloRida* she SHit the floor!
lol... after that happened we started pronouncing everything we say with "SH" in the front... like "SHroad" and "shut the SHFuk up". lol...
haha... okok anyway i'm gonna study Physics and Social Studies now... and wait for my Squishy to come back home from camp. bye, sucka! [L]
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
because real guys don't sparkle.
(inspired by Marie's tee)

Prelims are coming soon! so for me i'm not gonna update my blog from now onwards until after Prelims (i think...)
anyway this week was kinda interesting... Wednesday my Geog teacher sang for us "Colors of the Wind" and "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz. (:
and i had a movie date with Joni, Fatima and Joy and watched Shutter Island... (:
Thursday: my 'lie low' day
Friday, Thivya went to my house, then we went to Bedok Reservoir for the run. AND I THINK I'M GONNA FAIL! D: and we had dinner with the Diong sisters, and it was a fun day with them. (:
Saturday, i got surprised by my Squishy. he said he's not gonna visit me on that day. but in the end he did came to my house. without telling me...
Sunday went for mass with Squishy, Marie and their parents... then went to KFC for lunch. i felt like i ate alot...
and when i got home we ordered pizza! O: i felt bloated again...
but the day was nice. (:
that's all. bye, sucka. (L)(L)(L)
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
UGH. ♥
don't know why i'm surviving every lonely day...

hey, world. i feel like talking crap now. coz i feel like a shit. irritated. depressed, i guess...
the weekends were like my normal days, apart from last Friday when my brother had his birthday party. Mei's family and Marie's family came, Joy's family was supposed to come but they didn't. had my most painful day of my life, but Jag made it feel better. (:
Saturday, had accounts in school, then splurged on The Vampire Diaries movie marathon. finished until episode 17. then went online and talked to Jag. well it wasn't really talking. more like both just went online and did our own things. since he was watching some show, i did my own things instead. though a bit of talking here and there...
Sunday feels shit. supposed to go for mass in the morning but we didn't. didn't get to see Jag before he comes back to camp, which made me feel more shitty.
Insecurity is a feeling of general unease or nervousness that may be triggered by perceiving of oneself to be unloved, inadequate or worthless (whether in a rational or an irrational manner).
A person who is insecure lacks confidence in their own value and capability, lacks trust in themselves or others, or has fears that a present positive state is temporary and will let them down and cause them loss or distress by "going wrong" in the future.
i guess that's what i'm feeling now...
Urgh. Goodbye, sucka.
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
i could stay lost in this moment, forever.

people! my blog is public once again. :D and guess what, i started using my Twitter! lol. i know. only a few followers, though. i just started. (if you wanna go to my twitter page just click on the link just above my chatbox - and i know. my chatbox is so dead - or just click
here. and if yguys want me to follow you on Twitter just tell me. I WOULD GLADLY FOLLOW. :)
anyway school was kinda tiring, went to practice 5 items for PE-something-test (idk what it's called) and had Bio test. and dammnit, i think imma flunk this shit. i can just feel it.
oh and anyway APRIL FOOLS DAY WAS AWESOME! :D first was during Geography/Literature class. so the Lit people went to our class and we - the Geog people - went to their class. and the Lit teacher was shocked hahahhaah.
and then during HR period everyone in class hid somewhere and turned off all the lights and locked the door (well, maybe we didn't lock it. someone just held it close) and our form teacher was like "eH?" and then when she found out everyone came out and opened the door - except for Alethia and Glady's. they were hidden under the teacher's table. and then when the teacher was just beside the table the two went out and scared our dear form teacher. lol! you should have seen the shock on her face. and the laughter on everyone's face! so cuute!!! ~
and had MLB tutorial.
and them went home, started using Facebook & Twitter. and now blogging. and i', gonna sleep after blogging then talk to Jagster when he comes back from camp and then study like shit. i must use my extra one no-class holiday to revise my schoolwork. :P
that's all. goodbye, sucka. <3
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.