for this is all i know.

LOL. i just looked at the next block's window and saw something at their TV that seems to be rewinding so fast, and then i heard a loud scream from the people downstairs, and then the TV stopped...
anyway, let's start last Saturday. i went to school for Accounts lesson from 9am to 12pm. practiced on Depreciation on Fixed Assets and Disposal. lol. and after that Seha and i went to Long John's to eat lunch, and saw Jag on the way back home. he went out to get a pair of contact lens. (: anyway i reached home, slept for a few hours and woke up because my brother was screaming at me and he said that Anthony was here at home and i got up and fixed my hair and everything and i heard Jag talking and i went out of my room to the living room to see him sitting on the couch. i think he reached my house around 3.45pm. then we both watched TV and talked about stuff and my mom and dad prepared to get dressed to go to a party when Tito Billy got to my house. Tito and my dad sat on the dining table talking. i made snacks for everyone and after that i gave my laptop to Jag to keep him company coz i wanted to bathe for a while. and then Tito Billy, my mom and dad left the house to go to the party. to where the cute baby was (the baby was the one who tried to swallow my cheek) lol.
tito left his hat in my house.
and then it was already 5.30pm and Jag needed to leave soon coz he's supposed to go for mass at 6pm. but instead he stayed and he's gonna go for mass with us the next day (Sunday)...
and then we continued watching TV and turned on the movie player and watched a movie and when it was time to eat dinner we paused the movie and ate our dinner (lol) and when we finished eating our dinner we continued talking and watching the movie. lol. and then i think he stepped on my toe and my toe hurts so much coz i accidentally hit it on the dining room chair and i think the toenail is going to be dead anytime now. lol. the movie ended at around 10.15pm.
he left the house at 10.30pm...
i continued watching TV with ate Lyn and we watched MTV Hits and the Pinoy Big Brother Double Up and it finished at around 12.30am.
ok. Sunday. more detailed.
09.00am - phone alarm rings. hit the snooze button.
09.09am - phone alarm rings. hit the snooze button.
09.18am - phone alarm rings. turned the alarm off. this is because of lack of sleep. i should have slept early that night before today.
09.27am - i'm still in my room. processing my thoughts. and finally clearing them after processing. sometimes you'd think that you have lots of problems but you don't. and since you don't have any problems you'll start to think of one. if you know what i mean. that's why i cleared my thoughts after processing them.
09.34am - still in my room. i heard ate Lyn in the kitchen.
10.03am - i turned my PSP on and started listening to "If We Ever Meet Again" by Timbaland featuring Katy Perry and i played it over and over again. i got so damn addicted to that song.
10.45am - ate my breakfast. my breakfast was was Mee Goreng. and it doesn't sound breakfast to me.
10.15am - bathed.
10.40am - finished bathing. chose the clothes that i'm gonna wear.
10.46am - brushed my hair, put on my contact lens, etc.
10.52am - waited for my parents to finish preparing.
11.01am - still at home. i know. i should be getting on a bus to church now. it starts at 11.15am.
11.something - left the house.
finally. but we're late.
11.32am - we were already late. anyway we took cab. looking for cab took long, though.
11.50am - reached church.
11.52am - went to the back of the church. but it was uber noisy.
12.06pm - mom couldn't take the noise. so we went down and waited for the rest.
12.something - waited for my brother and Anthony and Marie and Inah was there. at first i thought i only saw Inah. i ran to her to hug her, then just as i'm about to hug her Marie slid to her right open arms and i hugged her. haha. then hugged Inah. since i was with them i didn't keep track of time so this part might not be as detailed and accurate as what really happened.
anyway so we went to Tampines Mall and went u the third floor and went pass Mini Toons and i saw this huge teddy bear and i stared at it and Inah was like "lol Bea you're staring at the bear like you're telling it 'you're mine' haha". lol. then went Popular and bought stuff. then Inah went to the other way and Marie, Anthony and i went to buy something at Cheers and went to the interchange and they took bus 293 and i took bus 72 and i reached home at around 2-something. then my parents and i watched Mama Mia! and lol... my dad liked the musicals.
after the movie i went to my room and felt sleepy.
03.26pm - slept.
04.36pm - woke up, started Facebooking.
06.06pm - started playing with Happy Aquarium. i know. don't ask. lol. i got a purple warlus and a purple squid. lol. i feel lame now...
and now i'm still blogging. 07.55pm.
and what's gonna happen tonight...
08.30pm - i'm gonna eat dinner and bathe. and after bathing i'm gonna prepare my stuff for school. homework? done my homework since Friday. lol.
09.45pm - sleeeeeeeeep.
Saturday one wasn't really as detailed as Sunday coz i don't look at the clock when i'm with him. anyway i got to go. i have school tomorrow. bye, sucka!
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
I can't wait to see you again...

ThankGodIt'sFriday!!!!! i've been waiting for this day for days COZ I'M STILL IN A HOLIDAY MOOD! school was not-so-fun as usual except for some lessons. and Tomorrow i'm still having lessons for Accounts. and i think last Tuesday's party affected my school performance for this week - i've been feeling very sleepy for the past 3 days.
anyway lemme talk about Tuesday's party. it was ate Lyn's birthday. Jag went to the house early and helped out in buying all the stuff we needed for the party. and then Deane and family reached my house and Jag left early coz of NS ): . and then Mei, Dean and i watched Sorority Row - and Dean liked it 'coz its violent. lol. finished the movie at around 9-10-ish-ish. cleaned my room and slept at around 12am.
Wednesday - the whole day i was feeling super duper tired and my eyes were so tired and they just wanted to close and i felt like sleeping... reached home at 4pm-ish, dumped my bag on the com chair, changed into home clothes, lied down on the bed and slept. woke up at 7pm to talk to Jag on the phone and to finish my homework.
Thursday - another tiring day. i still felt sleepy (but less sleepy than Wednesday) and had English tutorial and went home and slept again and woke up at around 7pm and finished all of my homework - even those optional ones.
Friday - felt less sleepy and finished school early. reached home at around 3.30pm, showered, went to Tampines mall to buy my contacts solution and my handphone strap, just like Jag's (i thought of buying a pair last Valentine's day but i decided not to buy yet and to wait for another week coz i'm saving money) but no locket. i'm gonna buy that another day. let my POSBank card rest fromm all the expenditure first...
anyway here's three movies that i would like to watch someday. Dear John, Valentine's Day (Pinoy groupee was supposed to watch this last Monday) and Alice In Wonderland.
DEAR JOHN (the story's interesting... and Channing Tatum from G.I. JOE is inside!!!)
VALENTINE'S DAY (i watched the trailer and omg! funnay... haha.)
A.I.W. (i just think it's cute. AND JOHNNY DEPP'S IN THE MOVIE, TOO! :D)
that's all. see ya, sucka! loves!
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
If we ever meet again...

"Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day."
"You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget,"
Read this "HATE letter". It is so funny and creative. This is a loveletter from a boy to a girl.... However, the girl's father does not like him and want them stop their relationship......and so..the boy wrote this letter to the girl..he knows that the girl's father will definitely read this letter..
1 "The great love that I have for you
2 is gone, and I find my dislike for you
3 grows every day. When I see you,
4 I do not even like your face;
5 the one thing that I want to do is to
6 look at other girls. I never wanted to
7 marry you. Our last conversation
8 was very boring and has not
9 made me look forward to seeing you again.
10 You think only of yourself.
11 If we were married, I know that I would find
12 life very difficult, and I would have no
13 pleasure in living with you. I have a heart
14 to give, but it is not something that
15 I want to give to you. No one is more
16 foolish and selfish than you, and you are not
17 able to care for me and help me.
18 I sincerely want you to understand that
19 I speak the truth. You will do me a favor
20 if you think this is the end. Do not try
21 to answer this. Your letters are full of
22 things that do not interest me. You have no
23 true love for me. Good-bye! Believe me,
24 I do not care for you. Please do not think that
25 I am still your boyfriend."
So bad!! However, before handing over the letter to the girl, the boy told the girl to "READ BETWEEN THE LINES", meaning-only to read (Odd Numbers) So..Please try reading it again! It's so smart & sweet.... :) anyway HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, PEOPLE! ok maybe belated. but in my Facebook it was an advanced greeting.
went to T1 to buy Jag's present (hell yeah the mall was open, but only for a few stores) and I CAN'T FIND ANYTHING FOR JAG FOR V-DAY. but in the end i saw this locket (no chain, just the pendant) and at the same time i saw this phone strap at the same store (Couple lab) and i thought of combining the two. so i asked the woman to put them together. it was uber last minute, so i didn't have the time to engrave our names on the locket cover. but i hope Jag liked it...
went home and printed small pictures of me and Jag and put them inside the locket...
went to Deane's place at 3.30-ish. Jag came too. he gave me a box of hearts (99 hearts to be exact) and inside each heart is one thing that he loves about me. or us. and no repetition (i've already read all) ...
tita Hera went to the party, too. and the baby (who actually tried to swallow my whole cheek the last time we saw them) was there. so cute! but heavy.
Jannine, Dean, Jag and i went to 7-eleven to buy something, then on the way back to the bbq pit Marie, Mei, Joy, Cheska, inah, Gericho and Grace went to 7-eleven. and when they came back we went for swimming. went up Dean's house, played Empire-something with my sunshines and went home at around 1-ish.
that's all. bye, sucka.
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
-Henry DeTamble, the Time Traveler's Wife.

i finished reading the Time Traveler's Wife (and i can finally give the book back to Marie. i think she misses it already) ... last Saturday Jag went to my house early, helped me with the groceries that my mom wanted to get (twice) and had a small gathering at my house. Marie and Mei Mei and Dean and the parents were here at home until 1am-ish the next day...
the next day (Sunday), i went to church with my family, saw Marie & family in the church and then they went to Tampines mall and my family and i went home. i did
nothing (literally) on that day until around 4-ish to go to a party my mom and i were invited in. then went to Tampines mall and Jag went there too but we didn't see each other coz he was rushing to ride the MRT coz he had to go back to camp already and i was with my mom in NTUC buying things for the house. had 2 small tubs of chocolate Hagen Dazs (and
God it was heavenly, uber nice)
finished reading the Time Traveler's Wife last Thursday (i think) and it's so sad coz........ NO i won't spoil to you the book. read it yourself.
Friday had the CNY celebration until 12.30-ish, and Accounts lesson after. finished lesson around 4-ish, went home, played with my PSP, waited for Jag to go reach home and go online... ok he's online. bye!
P.S. at some point of time i started to like Korean songs. lol! i can't post the videos here, coz it's super huge for the video to fit in my blog. (:
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.