Smells like teen spirit... I WAS BORED. so i experimented on some pictures from Marie's house. and here it is:

It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
now this is what i call good photography.

someone's trying to play Bella's Lullaby somewhere in my neighborhood. and i can hear it. it sounds so soothing... takes away all my problems...
anyway let's go back to the reason why i'm blogging now..
went to Deane's house last Saturday (idk why) and my brothers and Deane went for swimming. Anthony and his mom came. sad that Marie couldn't come coz she was sick. ): get well soon, Marie...
anyway ate spaghetti and chicken and watched abit of Vampire Diaries (yes, Vampire Diaries is back in action! :D)
then Jag felt cold. and that's when he started to have fever. ):
went up with Jag, ate lyn and Mei Moi and took care of Jag (get well soon, dear), watched Pinoy Big Brother until 11pm-ish. then went home... slept at 12plus-plus.
Sunday went to Vhive, Courts and IKEA AND I FINALLY HAVE A PROPER TABLE TO STUDY ON. reached home around 5-ish, had pizza for dinner. dad got my study table fixed. and next week my two wall shelves. :D
i got my room PIMPED. (:
Jag had a day leave so he won't be goig back to camp...
Monday - all i had to do is STUDY. student + DYING. and talked to Jag for about an hour on the phone...
Tuesday was tiring. had to run a few rounds like last week. Jag got another day leave from camp.
created Onsugar account (i SERIOUSLY don't know why i created another blog) and Twitter account (i have no one - literally NO ONE - to twit with...)
and now i'm mugging. MUGGING, i tell ya...
that's all. goodbye, sucka.

It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
i miss the beach... 
hey y'all i'm back again. kinda bored now (and i'm supposed to start studying until 9-ish)...
anyway i've been super restless these days (been trying to sleep early)... and i can't wait for Friday. again. and i'm back to "i don't have anything to blog about" again...
anyway there was just a passing thought. something reminds me of Philippines... i miss Philippines. i miss the beaches, the fireworks, i miss sitting in the car for more than 3 hours just to get to my province, i miss the white sand, the jacuzzi in the hotel where my tita's working, i miss my cousins, i miss my cat... oh, i forgot... she's dead. but i still miss her.
but what i miss the most is the beach and my cousins. i could still remember a few years ago (i forgot whch year) we went to Batangas to go for diving (omg one of my best experience before). i wish i had an underwater camera that time. the water was uber clear and you can see all the corals from above... i can't wait for December this year... can't wait to go to my province. I CHOPE THE BACK SEAT OF THE CAR. WITH TISSUE.
anyway i'm out of ideas again. i've got nothing to blog about. goodbye.
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.

went to church and IKEA with Anthony and my family. had fun... then went home. (:
i dont have much to blog now. rushing coz i have to call my dear soon, so i'll just write some fmylife posts. :p
Today, I was fined because my son pushed the alarm button in the elevator. Why? There was a spider in there. FML
Today, my 4 year old daughter was looking at a magazine cover with a well endowed model showing off her clevage. She looked at me and said, "Mommy, when I grow up will I have big round boobies like her or tiny pointy ones like you?" FML
Today, my stepdad did a crap in the shape of the number 2, took a picture of it and showed it to all my friends at my party, while we were eating. FML
Today, it is New Year's Day. While all of my friends are out partying, I stayed home and mastered level 34 on FarmVille. FML
Today, my sister-in-law asked why I wasn't out partying with my friends to celebrate the new year. My mom then asked "What friends?". Ah, the new year begins. FML
Today, I was with my boyfriend of two months, hoping this would be our night of the first kiss. I was so excited when the ball started to drop. When it hit "0", I turned to him, hoping for a kiss, and saw him making out with some random girl. He didn't even turn around. FML
Today, I discovered that the dust bunny I've been stepping over for the last month is actually a dead rat. FML
Today, I had a blind date. When I arrived at our meeting place, I spotted my date, because he was the only one in the bar wearing a nametag. I walked up to him and asked, "Are you John?" He responded, "That depends. Are you Jen?" When I said yes he said, "Then no," and left. FML
Today, I finally discovered the reason my front room smelt funny. My dog, thinking the Christmas tree was real, has been peeing on it for the past two weeks. FML
Today, I got out of bed and immediately went to the window as it was supposed to snow today. I saw a man walking his dog and he waved at me. I waved back enthusiastically and realised I was naked. FML
Today, after I got in my car in the Walmart parking lot, a creepy man knocked on my window. Since I'm incredibly paranoid and scare easily, I put my car in gear and tore out of there, accidentally hitting another car. Apparently he was returning my phone that I dropped. FML
Today, I logged onto Facebook and saw that I had a message from my ex boyfriend. It's only been two weeks since we broke up and I assumed he sent me a message begging for me to take him back. He wanted to apologize for sleeping with my sister last night. FML
Today, I went to egg my ex-boyfriend's house, after finding out he cheated on me. I covered his house and car with eggs, toilet paper, and silly string. When I went to get back in my car, my keys were locked inside, the alarm went off, and my ex walked outside, with his new girlfriend. FML
Cheerio. ~
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
i just got home from school. it's Friday today. TGIF (Thank God It's Friday) but there are lots of homework to do. PLUS i have extra lessons for Accounts tomorrow. that one i can tahan. lol. but the homework? there's just too much homework to do.
anyway i got home late today coz i helped Cheryl to decorate the class (and our theme is "Movie Films") ... to five-two 2010 people you'll know what i'm talking about on Monday when you get to see our class. *winks*
&& i just realized that i have the song Starstrukk (3OH3 feat. Katy Perry) all over. my media player, my blog background music and youtube (i had it loaded a few minutes ago. now's like 6.11pm)... i just got caught up with the tune... lol.
for some time i've been reflecting about things nowadays. and it makes me sad going back to those days where my friends were so united, or when i remember the memories i made with my friends in Philippines (ex-classmates), or when i remember my friends from Philippines. and sometimes my cousins' face will just appear in my mind, recalling those times where we used to go shopping... or maybe sometimes when we attempt to lose other people's temper. lol.
and all of the time i kept thinking of my dear, coz now we don't spend so much time with each other, coz he's busy with NS and i'm busy with my O-levels. and i'll just keep thinking that these two things are just something that will make us stronger.
...and now i'm thinking that my blog's a good idea to practice my English skills. lol.
and according to my previous post,
"I don't think this week's gonna be a good one...", and "i just feel depressed and damn shitty now."... and i was right. i still feel shitty now. kind of irritated by the house rules...
i'm not even allowed to do anything that i want to do which i know that it won't harm me... and what's wrong with just piercing my right ear?!?!
the fuck is wrong with that.
Bitch. day i'll have what i want.
i'm stopping here. bye.
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
I don't think this week's gonna be a good one...

missing someone right now...
i think luck just doesn't like me anymore. these few days aren't my happiest days. i just feel depressed and damn shitty now. and i usually hurt myself when i feel depressed
but i promised someone that i won't hurt myself just because i'm depressed. and i always come across a point of time that i forget what i'm supposed to blog about...
you know when you feel like you don't have a purpose in life anymore and you just want to vanish... or disappear like how a bubble does or something... or just let yourself rot on one corner until you disappear. slowly...
anyway good luck to those who are getting their results tomorrow... may we all pass with flying colors. (:
...but that's not what's in my mind now. it's something else. and i think it's gonna haunt me for the rest of the days of this week. agh this is what i don't like to happen - especially the first day of the week - that the first day will feel shitty and depressed and you can predict that the rest of the days will become more shitty day by day...
i feel like
locking myself in my room and just not think about anything. i just want to lie down my bed and clear my thoughts. my thoughts are just as messed up as shit. maybe i'm thinking too much. maybe it's better to forget what happened on that day and get on with my freaking useless life.
the only ones who's keeping me alive is my family and friends, and especially
my dear...
anyway we move on to the good stuff. went to Cheska's house for a gathering and (lol) ate Erika's like chasing people to......... ah nvm. top secret. lol. and we all went up to their house. my girls and i watched two movies in Cheskie's room but the others were chatting in the other room. went home at 2am the next day. Anthony and i went to church in the morning (i was late) and saw Mei and family outside church (Deane wasn't with them. good luck for the tournament anyway). ate lunch with them and met up with Marie... after eating Marie and Mei went to Starbucks and then Jag and i bought and collected stuff from different places. then went home.
at home my dad and i talked for a bit (a bit?) and then shifted the desktop from my room to the living room. i'm getting a new table for my laptop. there are advantages in having my desktop moved to the living room. coz firstly, my brothers won't crowd in my room anymore coz they always use the com to watch some anime show (for the whole day) and they'll usually end up late like 12in the morning the next day. and i couldn't even sleep because of that.
and upon feeling depressed i really appreciate that even my brothers are always irritating and childish, they can still make me happy...
Brother: *prints something in my laptop that he didn't intend printing* eh i printed wrong thing.
Me: *looks at the three sheets of paper that was wasted (coz he only used one side of the paper)* try to recycle the papers.
Brother: okay. *takes one paper from the wasted ones and tried to fold it into a paper airplane*
lol... i really appreciate that they could still make me laugh eventhough i find them irritating.
anyway i'm stopping here. bye.
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
Sweet Kisses...

I MISS M&S. anyway i'm getting the hang of school again. i miss Tara and Ashling...
anyway Friday's school was fun... had loads of laughter with 5/2. lol.
okok here's one...
Bea & Joy: this year we can go clubbing already. (coz we're 18 years old this year)
Joni: ASSHOLES. *points to Joy* ASS! *points to Bea* HOLE!
LOL! hahaha.......
and we went to Singapore poly (some went to Ngee Ann poly)... nothing much to say...
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.