ok, so we went to Maire's house on Friday for a sleepover, and everyone's asleep. then we woke them up to watch a really, really effing scary movie. then after that we watched 17 Again, but i fell asleep halfway - well maybe less than half the movie. my second time attempting to watch 17 Again without sleeping.
we slept around 3am in the morning the next day.
then Marie, Mei, Inah and Grace went for catechism, and Joy, Anthony and i watched the movies Obsessed and ... a really freakin scary movie. Joy asked me to laugh when i see a scary face, so when i looked at Anthony, i laughed. and then Joy laughed. lol.
and then we went to the room to watch another freaking scary movie (notice that i dont put horror movie titles in my blog. it's just so freakin' scary.) and blew Marie's candles and continued watching movie and Dean and Anthony bullying me and Joy telling them that if they ever bully me again, she'll bully them back. hah.
then we went down to MacD's after the movie, when something kind of pissed me off. it's not because of them, it's
someone else. i went down crying (and i admit it).
then Gericho gave me a Double Choc Frap in MacD's THANK YOU, GERICHO !!! *sobs* that choc frap really made me feel better. and then i became sad again right after i finished my choc frap. lol.
i owe you a Double Choc Frap, Gericho.
but one thing's for sure, my friends are there for me. and i'm really gonna miss them if i ever go back to Philippines to study for college, and i'll treasure every single day i've spent with them. i'm gonna cry if i ever go back to Phil and leave my friends.
and then we bought ice and drinks (?) then Joy, Gericho and Dean went up tp pass the stuffs, then Marie, Grace, Anthony, Cheska, Mei and i stayed down to meet Inah. played at the playground and then played captain's ball. with Marie's Netball ball.
Ant and i went up just before we played captain's ball and we didn't get the chance to play the game with the others. (oh, great. i missed the fun.).
and when we came back down to where the others were, all of us just sat down and talked. talked stuff. disturbing stuff.
honestly speaking, i couldn't relate to the topic, so i just kept quiet. lol.
and then we went up, i took a nap and continued watching the last movie before people started going off. i'm suppossed to stay for another night when something happened. again. and i'm kinda pissed by it. and i was forced to come home.
oh well, i just hope that i'll get to see them again soon.
and one question from someone in my group set me thinking about something. and it kinda made me confused.
really confused. really. and believe it or not, it took me ten minutes to think about what to write after "and it kinda made me confused". i typed and deleted over and over again, can't decide on what to type and what i'm feeling right now.
i'm just plain confused.
no words can describe what i'm feeling right now.
i think you know this, Joy.
i really hope i pass my N levels.
Everyone wants to be happy,
Nobody wants to be in pain.
But you can't have a rainbow,
Without any rain.
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
POP! ♥ heyhey! look who's back(lol)
anyway lemme see ... so i stopped at the Prelims (freakingly hard prelim papers) and then Friday i didn't have class. so i went to the DIY shop (upon looking for the store i bumped into Eva and Faustine XD) to buy Fresh Pink wall paint. chose the quality paint - just for my room. ^^
i had an EXTREME room make over. =]
and then we finished painting the next day, Saturday. on the same day it was my daddy's birthday party with a few of his officemates and our friends. =]]] took pics (again) and photos are posted in my Facebook! =]
then next day was an unexpected sleepover. i mean, i invited them for the sleepover at around 3am-ish last Saturday. and they came the same day around 4pm-ish. lol. i wanted to invite more people but i thought that it was too late. :(
we went to the NTUC (Marie and Inah) to buy chips and chicken rice (lol) and then went back home to watch a show and wait for the others. then Marie and i decorated some things lol.
then Joy and Mei came, they came along with J.Co donuts!! thanks to Inah's mom ^^
then chatted and ate and bathed and revised school stuffs. and ordered MacD's around 2am-ish the next day (Sunday).
then went for mass at 6pm and went to TM to eat dinner. ^^
sigh, then had Amaths Paper 1 the next day. ==
argh, GIMME A BREAK !!!
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.

i was lazy to blog for the past few weeks so whatever written in here is what i can remember for now.
last Friday was the National Day Celebration. i wore my red nail polish, okay?!?! just to know that we will be dismissed before 10am. weird but happy that school was over that day.
then Si Ying, Tara, Ashling and i went to watch UP in 3D at golden Village. the movie was okay, i like the "squriiel" part lol.
then SATURDAY was my most exciting day of the week. first was Thivya's party. i felt sad when three of my friends couldn't make it to her party. but speaking of the party, it was awesome. :p btw i went to Thivya's party with Joy Ramos and Stacy. their food was awesome, too. especially the cake. :D
then after that i went to Gericho's house (YES, it's a 2nd partay). then we took pictures - ALOT of them - you can see the pictures in Facebook (if you're not my friend, TOO BAD. so add me if you wanna see the pics. but if you don't wanna, then TOO BAD X2 !!!). then yeah, the party ended at 3am the next day as expected. Ian, Dean and Mei's brother, went for a sleepover with my lilbro at my house.
then Sunday went on ... blah blah blah,
then Monday came. another crazy day for the week. we had a movie marathon ... we watched three movies (i don't wanna say them here, coz the first one gave me the creeps). then Dean and Mei followed me home to fetch Ian. then bathed, revised (no, really.) and slept.
next day, start of Prelims. ugh,
anyway i gotta go, i have to study for the next papers.
and BTW, all my blogs will be temporarily closed until Prelims end.
Cheero ~~~
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.