i'm ... gonna ... fail my emaths. enough said.
i'm not really in the mood to blog right now ... but im making a blog or two - one for photography and one for fashion - mainly street fashion.
wish me luck for my emath results ... i really, REALLY need it.
Cheero ~
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.

ok, this is a survey kind of thing from my beloved Marie (i miss you okayyyy.) ...
If you were stranded on an Island with 10 friends, and it will take half a year to go home, who will it be?
01. Joy02. Marie03. Dean04. Anthony05. Mei06. Inah07. Gericho08. Grace09. Cheska10. Eunicelol that's only the first part. this is the second part (if i would to choose another 10 friends):
01. Ashling 02. Tara 03. Fatima 04. Thivya 05. Si Ying 06. Joy 07. Amelyn 08. Marissa 09. Glady's 10. ZoeyWho will be singing all along?
Joy, Dean, Marie, Inah. oh, perhaps Gericho too. and Cheska. okok ALL OF US !! lol.DEFINITELY Glady's.Who will be the one searching desperately for fire?
Grace, Mei and Joy (while singing) lol JOKE.Zoey, Tara, Thivya and Ashling.Who will be just sitting there staring into space?
Eunice, Anthony ...Si Ying, Thivya, Fatima, together with me.Who will be the most resourceful one?
like what Marie said - typical smart people like Anthony, Joy, Gericho, etc.also smart people - like Ashling and Fatima. oh not to forget the Zoey World expert (Zoey) lol.Who will be the first and last one to sleep?
all of us.First, Tara. last Glady's and Zoey.If there were arguments, who would be the ones arguing?
Gericho & Grace, Eunice & Dean, Cheska & Dean. oh dont forget Joy & Dean.Glady's, Zoey and Ashling. no doubt. ha ha ha.There's a Lizard in the tent your'e sleeping in, who will be the first one screaming?
um ... i think that would be me.for second part, still me. then Ashling. then Glady's will join. then Tara. in the end all of us will be screaming.Who's the Clown?
Dean. enough said.GLADY'S !!!Who will be the one having cut and bruises?
as Marie said. it's me.Ashling, me, Tara, Joy ... all the accident prones.Who will be the cry baby?
me. again.it's just me.Who is the one 'enjoying life'?
Dean, Gericho, AnthonyGlady's, Zoey, Joy (especially)Who will you keep scolding at?
Anthony.Tara - i think.Who will be the first to wake up?
Joy.Si Ying.Who is the one that always comes up with stupid idea?
Inah and me.me.Who will be the one getting into a whole lot of trouble?
Dean, Mei and Marie - including me.Glady's and Ashling.When you've heard that help came, who will be the one running like a mad chicken?
Cheska, Marie, Inah, Joy & me.Marissa, then Amelyn.
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.

some random things.
teddies don't hug back, but sometimes they're all you've got.
my favorite thing about eating gummy bears is knowing that they can't fight back when you bite their heads off.
anyway tomorrow is the last day of school (for this week) and Monday will be my O level emath prelims (nooooooooooooo).
huh, i've got nothing to blog about ...
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.

so if you don't know how Facebook works, better get it done now.
ok so went home early (coz we needed to clear the school premises for 'O' lever MT Listening Compre. Dean went to my house to pass something to my lilbro, talked and looked at some baby pictures. lol.
ok so im having my N levels this year - same as O's. and i'm kinda scared of the fact that i'm actually taking the exams this year ... i feel like the time is flying so fast ...
and we have our 'O' level Emath Prelims on Monday and i dont know how to manage my time.
and i STILL dont understand the Half Blood Prince movie.
anyway moving on ...
i haerd that Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 is not worth buying ... coz of 'laggy-ness' ... lol.
but ill check it for myself, though.
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.

k so i went to White Sands with Si Ying, Tara and Ash and we saw Joy Gomes going down from the 3rd floor (YES YOU, JOY).
had a Double Chocolate Frappe (with whip cream) in MacD and some fries in Burger King. then went to Si Ying's house.
it was kinda productive, and i had fun. :DDD
i [heart] STAB. ^^
kk, till here. ADIOS! Cheerio ~~~
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.

If Bella would become a vampire, she would look like this.
purrty, huh?
hihi, just arrived from MacD buying a double choc frappe with Ash. ^^ and now i'm browsing thorugh the images when i came across this pic (above) isn't she pretty? :D
i'm a DIE-HARD fan of Twilight, i don't care what people say ... even if Edward Cullen is
so off the hottest guys on Earth ... i go for the book now, though Edward is still hot. BUT i am NOT an obsessed Edward Cullen fan/lover/whatever people call it. i'd go for both Edward Cullen and Jacob Black.
anyway off the topic. i'm kind of busy these days ... first reason, the frigging PRELIMS. im tryin to push myself to study more. seecondly, still PERLIMS. i feel like i wanna cry 'coz i dont want it to come so fast!!! and thirdly, the first prelim paper is O level EMATHS!!!
shit. die.
anyway im thinking of opening a blogshop BUT not now 'coz of PRELIMS ... and maybe i won't have one until i finished my 'O' Level examinations ... BUT i already have my blog address for it [
mycandysuperhero.blogspot.com]. it's clickable, you. lol. :p
Cheero ~~~
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
just RANDOM things:#1. Joy (Ramos) and Ashling was fighting over which animal is the one that should be pitying - the Camel or the Donkey.
#2. The day TWILIGHT was born: June 2, 2003.
#3. The day Bella & Edward (from Twilight) first met: Jan 18, 2005
#4. The day Bella & Edward were officially a couple: Mar 9, 2005
#5. Bella's full name (Isabella Marie Swan) was first mentioned: New Moon, page 507
#6. My last day in Notfound - For Now, i guess.: June 28, 2009
#7. I have ALOT of homeworks to do.
#8. I am thinking of what to type in #8.
#9. I'm ending this Random stuffs at #10.
#10. -END-
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.

what's funny is that last Tuesday Ashling and i went to Tampines1 to window shop, and we took a long time flagging a cab coz Ash wanted the nice blut cab! lol. and last Thursday we went to McDonalds near Bedok Interchange. ordered a nice Double Chocolate Frappe (and Amelyn gave us voucher for Double Chocolate Frappe today. THANKS, AMELYN!)
and last Saturday i went to Joy's house coz it was ate Lyn's birthday (Joy's relative) and we (Gericho, Joy, Grace, Dean & i) ended up watching MJ music videos, lol.and "What The Buck" lol.
k that's all.
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.

It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
haha nothing much... i saw this in youtube (isn't it obvious?!?!) and i found it cute. ^^
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.