heyhey guys! due to exams i was not able to blog ...
ok, ill start from last Saturday ...
went to Maire's house for Mother's Day party, met up with friends :DDD
then talked and bitched in Marie's room. lol.
Dean came from Genesis, Joy and Gericho on their way to Marie's house.
went to 7-eleven to buy ice. and slurpee. and Marie's Kinder Joy. and so on.
watched Quarantine when we got back, and that movie gave me a headache.
if you're not the gore-type of person, then Quarantine's not for you (just an advice.) coz that movie's based on the camera's point of view. and of course, a cameraman behind it.
you should expect that the camera will be shaky.
all the running of the cameraman will make you dizzy.
and Quarantine is about this group of people inside a locked apartment building where there was an old woman infected with rabies who started it.
and according to Joy, the movie title tells you what will happen in the end.
oh, there was this part when the cameraman used the camera to kill someone that was infected with rabies, the camera went close up with the woman with the bloody mouth and scary face, and then he took the camera off the woman's face. he was hitting the woman's face repeatedly with the camera, and just imagine how we watched that! eww.
then at the end of the movie, all of them died (including the cameraman) ... and obviously, the dead dude drops the camera from his hand - because he's dead. so the ending went like this ...
the camera was dropped on the floor, facing the last woman who survived. *take note that it was dark, and the only light that was lit was the infrared light* (the green light used for places like haunted houses and when the place does not require light. but of course, you need light to see where you're going, so they use that infrared light.) ... the woman was crawling towards the camera (like "The Ring" style) so it went quiet. then after a few seconds (like 15 seconds) someone grabbed her and dragged her! maybe it was the camera-dude. ugh, freaky.
a loud scream will be heard at the end of the movie.
the eeeeend! no background music for the credits. just the sound of helicopters from outside the locked apartment ... and the sound of the building echo-ing or something.
ok, ill stop freaking myself. anyway, we watched Yes Man after watching Quarantine. i slept halfway, then Dean and Mei and their lilbro Ian went home. their parents are in Malaysia.
when i woke up, Joy already went home.
then it was our turn to go home ...
went home around 03.13am ... *shrugs* f-scary.
next day (Sunday) went to church around 6pm, met Dean and siblings and Marie's family after church,ate at Carl's Jr, then went home.
i kinda forgot to remind Marie to remind her to take photos.
then went home. watched Miss Philippines - Earth 2009. and Sandra Seifert from Negros Occidental won! yay!
Ms Philippines - Earth 2008 passed her crown to Sandra Seifert. poor thing she finally had her last day to wear the crown.
Sandra Seifert of Province of Negros Occidental
anyway, next day was Vesak Day. no school. lol.
Dean went to my house to collect something, and to disturb my bro sleep. lol my bro was like ... =.=" haha!
then went out to buyKinder Bueno ^^
at night talked to my cousine through webcam and lappie was connected to the flat screen. lol. then continued revising for next day's exams and went to bed at 11.47pm. finished taking down notes in iTouch for my blog at 11.45pm, then listened songs until midnight.
next day (Tuesday) at morning the carpark next to my block was on fire! omg.
luckily it didn't reach the other cars because if it reached the other cars, it will blow up the entire carpark and my block will be affected! thank God.
anyway there were two explosions during the fire.
in school, had amaths and biology exams, quite manageable. went home, stayed home to study, slept at 11pm sharp.
Today (Wednesday) went to school around 10am for accounts exam (exams didn't start until 11.45am.) and then went home, applied for something online and blogged. :DDD
doesn't this blogpost look long? lol.
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
hey guys! i'm back ... 2 days before exams. i wish everyone good luck for the exams! may we pass with flying colors! whee ~~
anyway im here to blog. again. (isn't that obvious?!?!) kk, that was lame.
Monday ... had an election for CCA president and vice presidents ... i was the first one who made the speech! =.="
after that, went to T3 with Tara, Ash and Fatima (Joy can't come) and studied at the -MY MOM'S PHONE RANG- food court. lol. that was random (the my-mom's-phone-rang thing.) ...
Tuesday ... went to T3 (again) after school with Si Ying, Tara and Ash (this time, Fatima and Joy couldn't make it. dont wanna talk about it.)
this time it went better - way better. coz last monday all we did was talk. but this day went waaaaaay better.
oh, and
the Batman kiddie ride's freaking me out.Wednesday ... went to Whitesands with Si Ying, Ash and Tara (again) to eat breakfast before school starts ,,, and went to Ashling and Tara's house to study after school ...
after studying, Cassie was 'acting cute' (and of course, she's cute!) and she ran around the house and went to bite and lick mine and Si Ying's arm. lolzx.
it was my first time having a dog (yes, she's a dog. what to you expect ,, human?!?!) bite me. i always thought dog bites are painful.
oh, she bit my tie as well ... still got the bite marks.
Thursday ...alot of things happened.
as in, ALOT.
#1 ... there was a cat poop in front of one of the classes! eww.
#2 ... there were maggots at the nearest staircase ...
#3 ... there was a DEAD BIRD at the fifth floor.
#4 ... there was a dead bee at the crridor near the toilet ~~ but this one's not that bad. just an insect.
Friday ... was suppossed to go for extra lessons, but i was sick, i didn't want to pass the fever to Ash and Tara. and Ms Daisy.
so i ate my lunch, or brunch (breakfast + lunch = brunch.) and watched MTV Hits.
one thing i noticed is that when they played "The River" by Good Charlotte ,, i realized that the featuring dude was the lead singer of A7X !!! kinda slow, huh?!?! :p
and the next music video was Helena by MCR!!! WOOHOO!
Saturday (today) ... blogging.
taa-daa ...
Cheerio ~~
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.