guys, WHERE'S THE LOVE?!?!
ok, i won't say that this was the greatest friend-gathering party. i also won't say that the party was ruined. actually, it was great. alot of visitors came...
i won't say that i felt miserable on that day... you know me, i'm the type of person who doesn't get angry with people, & you also know that i don't want to get into fights and misunderstandings...
ok, let's just say that i felt like i wasn't there, like everyone was there (i meant literally everyone) and it's like you don't exist. call it whatever you want...
& i also thought that technology brings people further apart. (urgh, this i don't know how to explain.)
i think i felt ignored, plain, like i wasn't there at all, like no one knows me/cares for me (but there's a few people or so that i know who cares.), like i am a useless person.
i think i wont post it here. better not to.
to those who know what i'm typing here, i'm sorry if i feel like this. that's just what i felt during that time. please don't take it to the heart, because i am also confused myself.
argh, i dont know alr.
i wanna cry... but i thought to myself that crying won't help getting rid of the problem... i just felt emo, felt stabbing myself, felt like i have no purpose in this fast developing world. i feel like i'm probably the dork-iest of the dorks.
& i had a few imagination, like eventually i won't update my blog anymore, or like i'll sit in one corner of my room and cry everyday, or like stare at thin air, stoning. i don't even pity myself. luckily people can't read my thoughts, because i get so emotional with these things.
&& i admit, i am a cry baby. i cry alot. so i'm expecting myself to cry over this thing.
okok, i'm gonna leave my misery on this post. I'M NOW GONNA FORGET WHAT HAPPENED TODAY, BUT IT WILL BE HARD FOR ME TO DO THAT.
blood, i feel blood. flushing red with blood flowing through my cheeks. and i thought of myself crying with blood as tears.
i don't blame anyone, i blame myself.
Tara, sorry if this isn't a good blog post. 'coz i think you're expecting a good one... i'm sorry.
to Marie, you left your bible, i think it's yours. && thanks for the song "Pokerface", i saw it in my desktop...
super pooper uber duper niice. ^^
to Joy, you left your laptop case. i thought it was yours because it has the word "acer" on it, and i know you're laptop is Acer.
to Dean, thanks for helping me find my brother and helping me helping him carry with the drinks.
to Inah, i was supposed to message you to bring the New Moon, but thanks for remembering to bring it. :DDD
P.S. Tara says hi to everyone. ^^
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.

hey people. today and yesterday was so damn MISERABLE. i didn't know what to do!!!
okay, Monday wasn't as bad as Tuesday. it was the first day of Common Tests and i had English and Social Studies on that day. i can't really say that they were a breeze, but i managed to do it & actually, i began to think that Social Studies is an interesting subject.
after school i went home, & on the way home two guys were at the back seats when they asked the girl behind me to nudge me so that i am facing the two dudes when they asked me for my number!
argh! i don't want that to happen again! if it does, i'm gonna slap the dude & show my mid finger and say "BUG OFF, ASS HOLE!" haha i'm just kiddin.
the worst day so far... firstly, someone in school (not a classmate, tho) is not really close to me anymore. and then two of my loved ones are fighting and i'm SO darn affected by it!!! i can't even concentrate on my Emath and Geog test! && what's worst?!?! my Bio teacher came half an hour late & also released us late for recess for no reason! and we only had 20 minutes of recess!
shiol.and then the embarassing part: i ALMOST slipped because of the rain!
& i'm having a slight fever today!!!that's it. my life's ruined...
how more can it get worse?!?!
my day was so damn freaking miserable.
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.

hello dearests! :D
today was kind of fun... i played a game on Facebook with Dean i dont know what the game is called... and then after the two rounds checked my blog... and then i got really bored so i played an online RPG game & played with my guild (guild = clan from the game. usually the leader of the guild will invite you to join the guild.).. it was fun, coz you play with other players from the game & you can create the character you want, any look you want your character to be.
& i ended up in lvl 11.
haha, i was so damn bored...
&& my uncle from US is coming today 12am... or shld i say tomorrow morning. haha :D
to my friends, who replied to this loser euusukk, i can feel the love, guys. thanks. :DDD
&& to 'euusukk' or whatever you call yourself it's your choice whether you still want to spam my blog coz i really REALLY dont mind you having here. so what if you think i'm ugly? you think you're damn pretty?!?! i myself dont think i'm pretty. && you spell 'you suck' as 'euusukk'?!?! gosh, lamer...
k, gtg. my bro using the com. chao!
&& to euusukk, so long, loser.
&& i really don't mind you spamming my tagboard.
unless you talk back to my friends then that's the time you have to
&& since you said i suck, you suck more.
keep that in mind, loser... or
looseerxzxzxz if you don't understand my simple english.
SO LONG, SUCKER.P.S. Joy thinks that you spamming my tagboard is fun, so really, if you're not scared then feel free to spam.
STILL supporting notfound! i always forget to put the notfound link so i put it below my 'about me' area. feel free to visit the website! :D
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.

hello people! today my bro's not here. heh, he's in camp. and no-one's gonna irritate me for the whole week! yaaaaaay.
argh, i'm bored. today's timetable was Friday... and since we have PE on Fridays, we also have PE tomorrow! DOUBLE YAAAAAAAAAAAY!
haha. ok, gonna study, ya?
Bea the Beautiful Bubbly Blur Baby Bear in the Big Blue house.
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
look at these!!! i changed my eyes to Blue & Red!!! :D
hello people! i was so bored that i ignored my homework and started editing photos... argh, must get rid of that habit! i should do my homework now! (typed at 8.02pm)
okay, now is 8.17pm... still working on the Bio homework... k, gotta go! chao!
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
"Light Graffiti"wonder how to make these kind of photos by editing.
LOVE editing photos. :D
nothing much happened today. Avelino family went to my house (except for Dean, Mei said that he had Genesis activity.) because Ian wants to swim in the complex with my bro. Mei and i used the com... haha that's all. gonna chao now.
STILL supporting
notfound. click
here for notfound website! :D
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
argh, you know what's irritating? it's when blogger suddenly go haywire && your blog will go crazy. this is the second time i'm gonna type this and it's so funnoying... i deleted the same blogpost just now and something went wrong with my blog. so i thought that the blogpost made it go haywire. i copied and deleted the blogpost but when i made another one, i can't paste it! ugh, irritating.
anyways, this "Ferrari" is so COOLIO. haha.
(Coolio = Marie Owned; Ferrari = Didi Owned.)
photo taken by Boss Ong & Didi. :D
posted by Bea! :DDD
for the second time, that bike is Didi's "wife" which is called "The Ferrari". lol. i always ride that "Ferrari" when i go to 7-eleven to buy my Mocha Starbucks & Macaroni & Cheese. haha.
&& Didi always adjust the height of the seat 'coz i'm not tall enough to ride it. haha.
before notfound, i saw Tay Ying on the way, walked & blah blah blah, and then assisted some customers upstairs when MY MOM SUDDENLY VISITED ME TO NOT FOUND! OhMyGosh... i was so shocked to see my mom going up the stairs. my dad was also there.
i saw an SACian walking pass notfound, but she didn't come in...
& also, i saw Ebal and his friends going in from the shop... :D
&& Didi made a 3D model of Mosi Cafe, the shop in front of notfound.
lol, reminds me of my childhood days... =D
ok, that's the summary for today's 'happening'
so i'm gonna chao.
hope that this blogpost won't cause any problems in my blog...
Cheerio! :DDD
i'm supporting notfound! click
here to find out more!
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.

it's Valentines! and who are you going to spend it with?
if you ask me, i have an Accounts thing today, and i'm working at Notfound. :D
not that i don't want to escape Valentines just because i don't have that 'special someone' to spend it with, it's because i want to surround myself with things that i like doing. :D
so, today i am working at notfound. i like the atmosphere, the music, and the MOOLAH. haha. best day to earn money. :D
and then after notfound i might stop by Sony Style at Bugis Junction to see my "Valentine" which is the Sony VAIO P Pocket PC!!! OhMyGosh, i am SO IN LOVE with that thing. :D
so yeah. i'm bored. so i'm gonna write Valentine messages to... err, everyone i know?
and please, if i missed someone, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know. it's not that i forgot about you, it's just i have to write for everyone i know, and it's just too many of you. so yeah. :D
AND i might not put a small message beside your name, 'coz i got no time and i don't know what to say. at least i remembered you. MUST TALK TO ME MORE, okay?
ok, firstly,
my slackers.
JOY!!! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!! can we all go out tgt? like with you & Marie?
MARIE!!! haha. happy valentine to you too! :D so are you having MUTU SAMMY for your Valentine?
Cheska! happy valentine! i missed you! when was the last time i saw you?
Inah Pong! happy valentine! "we're beside the kitten..." HAHA! :D
MeiMoi! happy valentine! who's your valentine?
Grace! happy valentine! bought your phone strap yet?
Dean! happy valentine! good luck with Jannine! and Jannine! happy valentine to you too! :D
Ant! happy valentine, BigBro! bully me again i'll tell Joy. haha just kidding. :D
Gericho! happy valentine! i always see you online but you're always busy...
Eunice! happy valentine! you didn't come to Dean's party.
Edison! happy valentine! you also didn't come!
Charles! happy valentine! but i still hate you for not telling me that you have a blog. :p
Jolene! hah! think i forgot you already?!?! well, not so fast, sistah! haha!
and then,
Cassandra! happy valentine! always 6.30am bus okay?!?! so i can go to scholl with you always. :D
Phyllis! happy valentine! bully Joy okay? haha kidding. :D SERIOUSLY. HAHA! kiddin.
Kei! happy valentine! they'll have the new DSi a few months later, no? it has a built-in camera, i think.
Kaede! happy valentine! "mewww."
Klarry! happy valentine! Panic! at the disco! :D
SAMMY! happy valentine! thanks for the... er... was that a muffin? sorry, forgot what that thing is. it smells good. :D
Ashling! happy valentine! rose or crystal?
Tara! happy valentine! red rocks. \m/
Joy! happy valentine! don't think wrong, ya? KIDDING!!! but seriously. HAHA :D
Li Qian! happy valentine! thanks for teaching me Chinese last Chinese New Year! :D
Eva! happy valentine! smart girl! why didn't you go express?
Cheryl! happy valentine! my lab partner! :D
Si Ying! happy valentine! you know what, i saw you dancing at the Chinese New Year Concert. :p
Glady's! happy valentine! i'm still the only one fun-sized. :p
Fatima! you asked me to write long and here it is:
happy valentine! hope you get that PSP you want!!! haha and yeah, i recommend you DJmax portable. it's awesome! :D so buy, okay? haha. && you were the 3rd person to see my new house! haha! okay, was that long enough?
Aisah! happy valentine! your laugh is funny. haha!
Afiqah! happy valentine! stay sweet, kay?
Faustine! happy valentine! relink me if you haven't. :DDD
Chloe! happy valentine!
Zoey! happy valentine!
Nat Ng! happy valentine!
Nat Quek! happy valentine! is my "Quek" correct? wrong spelling?
Thivya! happy valentine! nice handphone... but mine is better! haha kidding.
Nurin! happy valentine!
Susie! happy valentine!
Amelyn! happy valentine! stay pretty, ya! :D
Marissa! happy valentine!
Joni! happy valentine! how to say that in japanese?
Melissa! happy valentine!
Jia Hui! happy valentine!
Jun Tian! happy valentine!
Stacy! happy valentine!
Meggy! happy valentine! my last year seat mate buddy!
Yan Ying! happy valentine! thanks for the sweets! :D
Yan Ting! happy valentine! i'm always confused between you & Yan Ying. sorry.
Alethia! happy valentine! stay happy, okay?!?! :D
Atiqah! happy valentine!
Mona! happy valentine! haha. :D
Esther! happy valentine! still know the twilight blog?
Jessica! happy valentine!
Janice! happy valentine!
Chew Fang! happy valentine! oh sorry i meant Qiu Fang. haha. so cute. :D
Lee Anne! happy valentine!
actually, i will include Sascha because she is still a part of 4/4! :D
Sascha! happy valentine! thought i forget you? i know i've done alot of mistakes, but you somehow made me change to a better person. Thanks. =D
NDP 2008 people!
Idayu! happy valentine! just checking on you people. how are you guys?
Afi! happy valentine! i think i'm a bad person. sorry.
Chris! happy valentine! how's dancing?
Petrina! happy valentine! i see you online but nvr talk to me. *cries*
Ebal! happy valentine! i saw you walking in notfound! :D && at Tampines Mall last December 2008! :DDD
Dino! happy valentine!
Shafiq! happy valentine!
bestfriend in Philippines, Yza! happy valentine! miss ya gurl! :D
Didi from
notfound! happy valentine! lol. copy the shop next door by using paper... haha cool.!!!
cousins, Martha! happy valentine! comment naman jan! better to give than to receive!
ateMicah! happy valentine! see you soon! :D
everyone. Have a good Valentine's Day!!! :DDD
Cheerio! :D
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.

hello! this day was kinda fun. :D
we ran outside school for preparation for 2.4km run. && i was the first one on the line. HAHA.
then after the run we had Bio class, Mdm Aznah was absent for the day and she brought someone in to continue teaching.
and that teacher is still 18 years old. -.-"
so she called out some index numbers, first one was 6, and then 4. HAHA! LUCKY i was 5. and i almost got chosen twice! =D
so yeah. people had their presents ready for Valentine's Day. i don't have the time to buy one. sorry, people. i wish i could buy one each for every one of you.
and then we were suppossed to play the game we edited ("The Bad Balls", Joy and Tara Owned. kind of eww.) but we had the Total Defence thing so it was postponed to next week.
and then we went to the tennis court, blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda, and then we went to the hall and stayed until 11.50am.
and then the only subject left for the day was emaths. had a test on Standard Deviation. was hard.
then Fatima, Ashling and i went to my house to do Emath project. then after 4.30pm Fatima went home and Ashling and i went to the hairdresser near Prime Bookshop. i got my hair layered, fringe cut shorter and added hair extension. that was a stupid thing to spend, because it was BLACK, but it made me look like i have a tail. lol. i think it's cute. :D
Ashling had her bangs cut shorter and thicker.
so i got my hair done and i'm ready for Valentine's Day! oh wait, what should i be ready for?!?! k, nevermind.
and i so pity Rihanna because of Chris Brown.. i mean, they're a couple!!! and i like them both!!! and then Chris Brown'll just do that to Rihanna?!?!
hmph, i'm not listening to Chris Brown songs at the moment.
and i like Chris Brown...
but from what happened to Rihanna,
Chris Brown, we're breaking up. how can you do such things to a girl?!?!
grr. i hate those kind of guys. hurting girls like they are punching bags.
i'll be like... PaKewW!!! KaboOsH. vA vOoM! BooM bOoM, BabY!
so long, loser.
ok, i'm done blogging.
so long, rainbows! :D
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.

i like this picture, i like taking photos && i like editing photos. to my Filipino GirlFriends (Joy, Marie, Mei, Inah, Cheska, Grace & Eunice), please, please PLEASE if we ever go to ECP/Pasir Ris Park/Changi Beach again, can we take photos like this photo? [scroll down below for more photos] i always wanted to take photos on a beach or on a meadow/grassy field & edit it with my Photoshop..
but speaking of editing, i don't have the latest Adobe Photoshop. so we have to wait until i can buy my new version, yeah?
or else, my current Photoshop will do. :D
&& i beleive that someday i can create a photo as beautiful as this one. :d
okay, i wrote this in the school library's computer, hoping that my thumbdrive won't catch any virus from the school computer.
anyways continuing from the last part of my previous blog post, i can't open my MLB homework from that internet cafe. no offence to the dude who runs that shop.
but they were good to me, though. i had a few minutes free 'coz i'm suppossed to pay more due to overuse, but the dude running the shop gave me a few minutes free of charge. so that means i only have to pay for an hour, not for more than an hour... i smiled for the first time of the day... becuase i got something for FREEEEEEEE. :D:D:D
i hope you guys get what i'm blogging, 'coz i myself can't understand what i just typed. HAHAHAHA. :DDD
&& i forgot that i ordered a black Cheap Monday jeans from the shop i'm working at. and i'm getting it before the Concert Band's SYF. buying from the shop i'm working at will save me more money. or should i say "moolah" - Ashling Owned. :D
&& when i returned from the internet cafe, my room was a total mess... and if i say "total" i mean it. Totally messed up. urgh, irritating.
okay, MOVE ON.
anyway, i wanna accomplish alot of things by Valentine's Day. first is to cut my hair. just a trim and to make my fringe shorter will do. secondly was to revise for my Maths - especially Amaths. gawd, i think A is harder than E.
thirdly, i want my internet modem to be fixed not by Valentine's Day, but as soon as possible! i can't update my blog more often and i'm having difficulties in my MLB homeworks. if i have to bare in mind that my internet is spoilt, i guess i have to do my homework "the old-fashioned way".
lastly, i want to practice typing very very VERY fast. like a hundred words per minute! haha. i don't know why, but i wanted to. that's one of the reasons why my blog posts are so damn long. not in a rush, though. :D
anyway, i stopped my draft here yesterday (Monday) when i was in the school library, but now i am in my room, continuing on the last bit of this thing.
Monday... the internet modem was already fixed. and starting from this day i can blog inside my room (Yipee!). and that morning i saw a cat. a BLACK cat. maybe it was the same cat from last week, Monday. maybe it's a sign. the same black cat at the same day (Monday).
and today's Monday. these days keep going on and on, closer and closer to Valentine's Day.
ok, i just need to cut my hair, buy my black jeans and revise for Amaths & Emaths.
speaking of blask jeans, i tried a skinny jeans and thought that it doesn't look good on me. so i'm gonna look for black straight cut jeans, if possible.
today, after i finish my MLB homework (finally), i browsed through Photobucket 'coz i wanna get ideas on candid pictures & how to edit them ('coz i love photo editing.) here are some of them. enjoy! :DDD

and i saw some funny-looking images. take a look at them! :DDD

why then put the sign if the edges are sharp?!?!
oh, there's a saying under it "also, the bridge is out ahead".
heh, LOL.
&& guess what... look at this picture:
OhMyGosh. Introducing, THE NEW VAIO P!!!
a MUSH-HAVE for a girl like me who likes this kind of things!!!
HAHAHAHA! ok, i'm gonna stop - FOR NOW!!! whee~
Cheerio! :DDD
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
people! i think if i do this, it will help the shop i'm working at.
so i would like to introduce the blog for the shop i'm working at - Notfound! :DDD
please do check it out! :DDD
please click
here to find out more.
Cheerio! ;DDD
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
firstly, this will be a Super Pooper Uber Duper long post coz i did not log in my com due to internet breakdown of my modem.
secondly, this post took me damn long to write because one, i am not in my room - i am in an internet cafe in Tampines; and two, the letters on the keypad are worn out, and i dont really know where every letters are... but i'll give my very best not to have any words with wrong spellings. sheesh! why did i get the worst keypad in this whole internet cafe?!?!
ugh, i prefer the internet cafe in Cityhall (i should have gone in Cityhall by now if i did not call my mom when i saw them walking pass me in Tampines Interchange.), no offence to this place.
&& right now, i NEED a hundred percent peace.
in conclusion, this was the worst week EVER.
ok, let me get my notebook from my bag.
ok. let's chao.
Monday was a real bummer...i saw a black cat at the morning, but it didn't walk across me. i just saw it. but i see it as a sign that my day was going down... or rather my week. what do you want me to do, kill all the cats in the world?!?! i won't let that happen. cats are cute, especially Angus in Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging.
but school recess was fun. Fatima cracked MRT jokes and it was lame and at the same time hilarious!!! and Tara askes Ashling to buy a lightly toasted club sandwich for her, Ashling embarassed. :p
For cca, we didn't play the double wackle game (uber frustrating. we brought extra shirt for nothing.)
and then last Tuesday, i learned more about Tara. firstly, she studies hard after eating food, but she can't concentrate in her studies when she doesn't eat. secondly, Tara knew that i was down for Concert Band SYF, and i will be the leader. That's Tara stalking.
&& lastly, Tara owned the nerd-geek-dork thing. highest was the dork, and then followed by geek, and then nerd. lol. lame.
and after school, Tara, Ashling and i went to the canteen to eat before our Accounts lesson... and after we ate, i almost took the wrong bag!!! supposed to pass Ashling her bag and i almost took the wrong bag on my left that looked exactly like Ashling's!!! OMGee. embarassing.
after Accounts lesson, i went to Tampines mall. surprisingly, i saw my mom in Popular! omgosh, busted. but luckly i was there for a reasonable purpose - to look for the Accounts 'O' Level syllabus book. hah.
and she bought me a bag of Famous Amos chocolate chip! too bad for my brothers (beat that, losers.)
Wednesday, something wrong about my modem. it can't work! freaking out, i called starhub. nothing interesting happened, except for the part where i pointed a name on the letterbox in school and said 'eeeeeeee' and then after that, that someone walked pass. err, embarassing moment?
Thursday. Tara was into food than when my Malay teacher asked which category the word "makan" belongs to, and Tara said 'food'. lols. and then the teacher asked her again something else and she said 'food' again. -.-"
Friday was supposed to be my best day it went very well, coz it was a Crazy Friday. Ashling & Sammy went to my house and we watched a movie. that was fun. :DDD
Saturday! worked with Boss 'coz Didi wasn't around. and then went to Dean's house.
we did not stay back for a very long time because there were people who hired Dean's former room and we might be disturbing them if we stayed longer.
anyway, speaking of Dean, where's my meringue?
today's Sunday. frustrated because i was dragged to do a few things that is do-able. i feel like joining Ashling and Sammy for Yoga classes.
&& my uber funnoying brother kept talking crap in the bus. and he knows that i'm not listening. ugh, irritating. k, i'm now trying to have peace and do my homework. Cheerio! :DDD
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.

heh, a super duper UBER candid shot of me & my Crap Partner Marie Naomi BUGGLES!
hello! partay was over so fast (2pm! haha!) police arrived because i think we were noisy... heh, no, really. no kidding. :D
anyway yeah, went to church just nw, walked to Tampines Mall... blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda... went to Toys R Us to buy my brother's sway board. ugh, so irritating. i wanted to go home straight after mass. but im glad we went to TM because i saw my Crap Partner Marie BUGGLES! haha.
anyways to my Filipino friends, see ya on Ian's birthday party!!! whee!~ Cheerio! :DDD
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.