argh, my brother is so funnoying.
Funnoying = F + annoying.
even he got scolding from my dad also blame me.
agh, that stupid miserable fool.
im gonna slap this dude's freaking mouth...
im gonna slap the sound of his name.
act cool some more! huh, so loser.
blame other people for no reason && he dont give a freakin damn to other people.
that's for f-lamers.bug off, loser.
don't try to act cool if front of people.
keep it to yourself! get a life, man!
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
hello! my blog is finished from 'Construction'. haha :DDD
anyway, having a partay right now.
FYI, this was a surprise party. i didn't know that there will be one until Marie called me.
err, waiting for Marie. and Joy. wondering if Mei's coming, or if they are already in Singapore.
ok, Marie's here.
lol. Marie's 'irritating' Eunice.
speaking of Eunice, her brother (Edison) not here.
can i ask Edison why???
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
hello. i dont know what to blog...
ok, this is a blog post with random things..
Firstly, i saw Cigku Siti on the cafe last week (i think). aww, i miss her. she was my MLB teacher last year. a very good teacher as well, even though my MLB classmates and i were treated like kids... but Damn,
now, we have new MLB classmates. still the MLB attendance monitor, 'coz im very good at it...
even if i close my eyes i can still say who's absent and who's not... coz we're only 7 in class.
:PAshling, my MLB buddy and buddy-buddy, named a turtle & a Red star Ashling, and a red shell & a purple star Bea, on our tables... and then we started bullying each other by throwing things at the drawings on the tables. i started hitting the turtle on my table and then Ashling started hitting the purple star on her table. it was like an indirect fight. heh, lamers. my cheek still hurts. lol.
in CCA, i was the leader for my group... and Klarry & Kaede started making up names of our group (Mr Yeo asked all of us to have a group name).
Firstly, it was "The Great Fate Of 8" 'coz we saw the other group naming themselves "8pm". lol.
But in the end, we named ourselves "DaBomb". lol.
yesterday (Thursday) was CCA && it was super duper fun. Klarry missed all the fun. :'(
we played the Bomb game, the game where you need to 'bomb' other players.
For example, "Bea bomb, Bea bomb, Bea bomb to Marie bomb!" (hello, Marie!!!)
and because of that, we were laughing our heads off at our group name.
imagine saying "Da Bomb bomb" for a number of times.
&& just imagine that our group name was "Da Bombs". lol.
also, imagine if our group name was "The Great Fate Of 8"
and then there was the splat game. i was the game master for the second round... Mr Yeo joined the game as well.
there was someone in between Kei & Kaede but i forgot the name. (Kei & Kaede are twins. half Japanese, cute, huh?)
and then i pointed at the girl between the twins:
Kei&Kaede: SPLAAAAAAAT!!! (they said it together with me. lol.)
& then i repeated saying "splat" until one of them give up... but unfortunately, no one gave up. lol.
hmm, what else?
oh, i just finished installing FIFA Online for my brother.
err, that's all, i think.
oh && im thinkin of changin my blog skin.
what background should i choose?
Cheerioszxzxzxzxzx! :DDD
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
I HATE YOU. you never tell me you have a blog. HMPPPH. HMPH!!! never tell me never tell me never tell me!!! you had a blog since May 2005 and you didn't tell me!!! *punch Charles* you're lucky i wasn't there to punch you for real.. but if i were, i'll punch you...
Beleive me...
*punches Charles for the second time*
and if i had to answer a survey and it happened that i have to tag people, I'LL TAG YOU, AND YOU HAVE TO DO IT.
*evil laugh*
lol. anyway nice blog, dude. :DDD
okok, im
supah dupah bored now... my dad and my uncle with the karaoke. can't watch movies. can't go out especially. coz all the shops are closed. argh, like i'm under house arrest now.
i didn't even dare to go out of my house. haha :DDD
ok, so i talked to a few people today... via msn/yahoo! messenger... like my ninang Liza, Gericho, Grace, Cheskie (but she didn't reply, maybe busy or something.), and Charles whom i hate so much because he didn't tell me that he had a blog since the day i don't even know him.
played DjMax Clazziquai Edition, played 4B FX rather than just 4B (4B = 4 buttons.)... 4B FX is when you include the left and right button on top of the PSP (huh, beat that, Charles.)
ok, im bored. gonna remember some friends...
my friends from my former school,
Immaculate Heart of Mary College. ugh, i miss them
loads. i don't even get to spend more time with them last year...
NDP buddies, miss the laughter and the dancing...
my SACians, especially
Sascha... i know i've done wrong things but i'm gonna change that.
P.S. i know i'm a cry-baby. :pto my
ROCKERS, haven't seen you for weeks. New Year's Eve was
NotFound! even i've seen the shop last Saturday, i miss the atmosphere... and of course, the music. :DDD
and oh, i always can smell boss's perfume... isn't that thing already finished???
Church people! even if i dont know you, i still remember your faces...
...especially Jolene. aww, i miss you. :D
so Church people, i still know your faces. so BEWARE. smile back if i smile to you guys okay??? lol.
okay, done.
cHaO! :D
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
hello! just finished connecting my computer in my room.
and i have the internet!!!
whee~ :DDD
k, bored.
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
hello! i'm in my workplace today.
workes from 2pm, gonna finish soon (10pm).
but before work, went to Doby Ghaut with my dad for an interview at Creative Talents.
thought that it will only be an interview, but there was a catch...
you have to pay a few hundred bicks for photoshoot!!!
lol. my mom wants me to be in that thing but after she hears it, i think she'll change her mind.
so then, my dad and i went to furniture shops and ate at Sakae Sushi.
and then at around 1.45, went to Bugis and go for work.
worked until now, 08.38pm... waiting for 10.30.
ughh, bored.
k, gonna get up and help people.
cHaO. :DDD
P.S. LINKIN POOP & BUGGLES!!! i miss you so badly (or if Joy doesn't want to be missed because i just saw her yesterday, then i don't miss you.)... let's hang out with the others!!! watch movie!!! :D
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
Hong Pao Na Lai...
haha. my friends taught me how to say that.
moved house last week, and my room is smaller. imaging one double bed, two wardrobes and a computer table in a room. yeah, that's how big it is, but bigger.
and then we started unpacking boxes - and until now i haven't finished unpacking yet. lol.
today was the Chinese New Year Celebration. was down for duty on that Concert.
saw Linkin Poop, irritated her, etc. :DDD
OhMyGosh. i'm so into the song "Superhuman" by Chris Brown featuring Keri Hilson.
it's so darn niiiice. =D
here's the lyrics:
I have been crying and crying for weeks
How’d I survive when I could barely speak?
Barely eat?
On my knees
[Verse 2 - Keri Hilson]
Well that’s the moment you came to me
I don’t know what your love has done to me
Think I’m invincible, I see
Through the me, I used to be
You changed my whole life
Don’t know what you’re doing
To me, with your love
I’m feeling all superhuman you did that to me
A superhuman heart beats in me
Nothing can stop me here with you
I feel so superhuman (superhuman)
I feel so superhuman
[Verse 3 - Chris Brown]
Since I’ve been flying and righting the wrongs
Feels almost like I’ve had it all along
I can see tomorrow
[Verse 4 - Keri Hilson]
Well every problem is gone because
I flew everywhere with love inside of me
It’s unbelieveable to see how love could set me free
You changed my whole life
Don’t know what you’re doing
To me, with your love
I’m feeling all superhuman you did that to me
A superhuman heart beats in me
Nothing can stop me here with you
I feel so superhuman (superhuman)
I feel so superhuman
It’s not a bird, not a plane
It’s my heart and it’s going gone away
My only weakness is you
My only reason is you
Every minute with you
I feel like I can do
Going going I’m gone away
In love
You changed my whole life
Don’t know what you’re doing
To me, with your love
I’m feeling all superhuman you did that to me
A superhuman heart beats in me
Nothing can stop me here with you
k, dont know what to blog.
okok, ill do a survey for now.
survey from MarieBUGGLES!
(oh, i named my pet Buggles, ok Marie???)
but before i blog, Ashling, Joy and Marie! please please please dont tell anyone what i told you... please, that's so embarassing. please?
If you had 3 wishes, what will that be?
- pass my exams
- pass my exams
haha i'm just kidding.
i wanna pass my tests, especially 'N' levels and 'O' levels.
and then i want to achieve my goals & travel around the world.
lastly, i just want to be happy in life with my family & friends. :DDDDDDD
Have you ever think negative things about the person you like but in the end it turn out to be the other way round?
- yeah, think so.
Are you afraid of what lies ahead of you?
- OMphG. my N levels.
Would you change yourself for the person you love?
- er, it depends whether i must change for the better.
Do you belief in Love?
- yeah. why not?
How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
- time can wait. there's the right time. :D
If the person you secretly liked is already attached, what would you do?
- er, id hate myself?
Is there anything that made you unhappy these days?
- er, nothing. im completely contended with these days.
Do you get butterflies in your stomach whenever you're around the person you like?
- of course, just hearing his name or his voice calling me of my friends saying "BEAR! RED'S HERE!"
Have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head?
- yeah.
Have you ever wanted someone but you knew you couldn't?
- yes.
Would you give your all in a relationship?
- D-U-H. who wouldn't? only cheaters would do that.
Do you often wish there was something you could change?
- yep.
Would you be surprised if one of your good friends confessed their love to you?
- err, kinda.
Ever had a sleepover with the opposite sex?
- yup.
What do you do when you have a bad day?
- Think deep, Think Blue. :DDD
Have you heard a song that reminds you of anyone?
- alot of them. :D
Do you say sorry first?
- if its my fault then yes. why should i say sorry to someone who doesn't know the difference
between the fault of others and their fault?
Do you want to tell someone how you feel?
- OhMyGosh. kinda.
When is the last time you ate peanut butter and jelly?
- never.
Where would you like to live?
- anywhere as long as im with my friends, i think. depends. :DDDcHaO. =D
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.

hello again! i just finised my Bio homework...
... and more coming on after i blog. :DDD
last night was a bomb. went to Pizza Hut for Sascha's farewell party from my workplace.
and it was successful! GAWD.
okok, ill blog about a few things:

Firstly, Glady's ordered 10pc chicken drumstick... AND LASAGNA.
that's alot, okay?
and then, and then, her lasagna drowned with Parmesan cheese!
OhMyGosh. haha :DDD
i ate Hawaiian pizza, one from the family sized and then two from the personal pan. Alethia had the other two.
and then there's the Swensen's ice cream cake. and it had a few candles.
the people from the other table were singing the birthday song, but we told them that it wasn't a birthday party - it was a farewell party...
...and they were like... "awww"
and then we continued eating until we got the bill...
IT WAS 190 BUCKS!!! not including the Swensen's cake and GST.
good thing we were 15-16 people? something like that.
then we all went separate ways, i went to Artbox to buy my Biology notebook and my liquid eraser, then went home.

today was my Parents' Meeting in school.
slacked with the other PM crew... with my brother in the Music Room as well.
ad then we went to Simei Eastpoint to buy varnish for the furnitures, and bought a plastic full of sushi!!! :DDD then went home... :DDD
ok, gotta go. gonna do my other homeworks!
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
hello people! sorry for not updating my blog.
but im gonna keep this post short.
last Thursday (i think) i saw Charles at the Tampines MRT station. i was buying Sascha's farewell present (Speaking of Sascha, we're having a farewell party later).
and then last Sunday i saw E (Ebal) and Mickey from NDP 2008.
and last Tuesday i almost got hit my a TRUCK!!!
LUCKY i stopped at the right time!!!
if i didn't stop, i'd be in the hospital right now...
...or in my coffin, and then my EDWARD CULLEN to the rescue bite me and then i become a vampire. Ha ha ha.
then then...
school was boring. REALLY. because it was the same things. study, study and study.
but i am happy with myself - i dont get tired in between lessons, like you wanna sleep during lessons or something.
and i do my homeworks on time, but sometimes i feel like i have short term memory loss because firstly, i forgot my Social Studies book and secondly, my Biology book.
LUCKILY my Social Studies teacher didn't check the class about who didn't have their books and such...
...and for Bio, i borrowed from Azlyn (thanks, Azlyn. :DDD)
and TODAY (dun dun dun....) Sascha's farewell party...
OhMyEdwardCullen&&&OhMyTaylorLatuner. i'm so excited! can't wait!
currently i finished packing my things.
ok, im done. gonna update my Twilight blog!
Cheerio. :DDD
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
HELLO! today i'm not in the mood to blog so let the pictures do the talking!!! :DDD

cute, huh? :DDD

took a pic of my lunch @ Orchard Wisma Atria Food Republic before i ate it. total cost: $14.

cotton candy rush @ SP. :DDD

yeah, like what the caption said. :DDD
&& i'm tryna look for a store around Singapore (from Tampines to Raffles) where i can find my Audio Technica headphone (white) ATH-FC5. and how much.
Oh, && thanks to Marie and BigBro for telling me the full details of the Audio Technica place! :D
but the place is in Paya Lebar. and it's very far from the MRT. not really convenient. so i can't go there and buy. Sorry Marie & BigBro.

Audio Technica ATH-FC5 (white) headphone
If you guys know where to find which is near the MRT, tell me kays?!?! Thanks. =D
Cheerio! :DDD
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
HELLO! i'm gonna do surveys now ('coz im still bored. since ytd.) but im gonna do homework later and tomorrow! :DDD
RULES:#1: This starts off with 8 weird habits/things/ little known facts about myself#2: Tagged 10 people#3: People who get tagged must do #1 and #2#4: No tagging backWeird Habit Number One:
i tap my foot when i listen to music... or for extremes, i dance.
Weird Habit Number Two:
i sing with the music im listening to.
Weird Habit Number Three:
i place my arms between my legs when sleeping. *embarassed*
Weird Habit Number Four:
i eat when im stressed.
Weird Habit Number Five:
i bite my lip.
Weird Habit Number Six:
i sing when im bored.
Weird Habit Number Seven:
i tap my feet when bored.
Weird Habit Number Eight:
ill say "ill do it later" but later never comes.
TEN people I tagged to do this survey(s) :
1 Which color is better red, black, green, blue or yellow?
2 Whats your first initial?
3 What month were u born?
4 Which color do you like more, black or white?
white, i think. i like both. :DD
5. Name one of your friends.
6 Name a number 1-100
8 Do you like flying or driving more?
9 Do you like lakes or oceans more?
10 Think of a wish, but dont write it.
1 If you chose
Red: You are alert and your life is full of love
Black : You are conservative and aggressive
Green: Your soul is relaxed and you are laid back
Blue: You are spontaneous and love kisses and affection from the ones you love and give good advice to those who are down
Yellow - You are a very happy person with a lot to give
2 If youre initial is
A-K: You have a lot of love and friendships in your life
L-R: You try to enjoy your life to the maximum & your love life is soon to blossom
S-Z: You like to help others and your future love life looks very good
3 If you were born in
Jan- Mar: The year will go very well for you and you will discover that you fall in love with someone totally unexpected
April-June: You will have a strong love relationship that will last forever
July-Sept: You will have a great year and will experience a major life-changing experience for the good
Oct-Dec: Your love life will be great, and eventually you will find your soul mate
4 if you chose
Black : Your life will take you on a different direction, it will seem hard at times but will be the best thing for you, and you will be glad for the change
White : You will have a friend who completely confides in you and would do any thing for you, but you may not realize it
5 This person is your best friend
6 If it is 1-50 you are a very lovable person and you have a great life
More than 50, screw the world
7 If you chose: Flying - You like adventure
Driving - You are a laid back person
8 if you chose
Lake - You are loyal to your friends, your lover, and yourself
You are very reserved but emotional
Ocean- You are spontaneous and like to please people
9 This wish will come true only if you repost this with the title
1.) Name?
- Bearie
2.) Single or Taken?
- single, but BOOKED. *winks at Marie BUGGLES!*
3.) At 5pm you were at
- House.
4.) Last text msg u received came from?
- Didi.
5.) Last comment u received from
- Dean.
6.) Last person who called you?
- Mei's mom.
7.) Last person you saw?
- Ashling.
8.) Love is the sweetest thing around? Yes or No?
- yep.
9.) Last song (w/ one word) you heard?
- Decode
10.) Person on ur mind right now?
- RED.
11.) Ur First Kiss?
- lol. forgot. it was a dare.
12.) The Last person you hugged?
- Ashling.
13.) Last beverage you drank?
- Vodka?
14.) The thing you first saw at ur right?
- Christmas Tree.
15.) Person you love right now?
- parents and friends.
16.) Lust is different from Love? Agree or disagree?
- agree. OF COURSE. :DDD
17.) Worst Fear?
- ghosts. and death of loved one.
18.) Jollibee, Mcdo, or KFC?
- er, Jollibee? i'm kinda sick of MadD and KFC.
19.) Love or Money?
- both? :D
1. Are you Available?
♥ no, im BOOKED. *winks at BUGGLES again* :DDD
2. What is your Age?
♥ 16
4. Do you live in a Big house?
♥ no.
5. When is your Birthday?
♥ 28 October.
6. What's your favorite Chocolate?
♥ Kinder Bueno and Mars. and Ferrero Rocher. :D
7. Do you Daydream?
♥ a big YES.
8. What's your favorite kind of Dog?
♥ Japaese Spitz and Golden Retriever.
9. What Day of the week is it?
♥ Saturday.
10. Have you ever been in the Emergency
♥ no
11. Did you have a crush that starts w/
letter E?
12. Favorite Flower?
♥ ROSES. the RED ones. =D
13. Do you chew Gum?
♥ yea. but sometimes.
14. Are you a Giver or a Taker?
♥ both? idk.
15. What's your Height?
16. What color is your Hair?
♥ dark brown.
17. What's your favorite flavor of Ice cream?
♥ Chocolate.
18. Have you ever Ice skated?
♥ no. but i want to try.
19. Do you play an Instrument?
♥ yeap. Guitar and piano.
20. Have you ever heard a really hilarious Joke?
♥ i think so. =D
21. Do you wear Jewelry?
♥ if you consider a crystal necklace, yes and always. :DDD
22. Do you want Kids?
♥ yes, but not now.
23. Where did you have Kindergarten?
♥ Sun Valley Montessori.
24. Have you ever Lied to your parents?
♥ OMGosh, yes. mostly its when they ask me whether i've eaten and i'd say yes, but i haven't. :DDD
25. Last Movie you watched?
♥ er, Bolt 3D? nonono, Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging. :DDD
26. Do you still watch disney Movies?
♥ kinda. why not?!?! :D
27. Do you like Mangoes?
28. do you have a nickname?
♥ Beary/Bear-bear-ly/Bear/Bearish, or just Bea. :DDD
29. What's your favorite number?
♥ oh-two.
30. Do you prefer Night over day?
♥ kinda. :DDD
100 truths about BEARISH.
- yeash.
►In yourpajamas:
- nope.
- no.
►Friend you saw:
►Talked to on the phone:
- Mei's mom.
►Is today better than yesterday:
- kindof, because there's no school. :D
-0h two. [02]
- Red, black and white... and pink. ;D
- Sushi, bread rolls, chocolate, etc.
- my room.
Q: What was the first thing you did
this morning when you got up?
- hit the snooze button of my phone. :DDD
Q: Do you have any thing bothering you?
- YES, two things.
Q: Where is the last place you went?
- living room... or if you prefer outside the house, NTUC. :D
Q: Do you wish upon stars?
- kinda, but there's only a few stars in Singapore... oh wait, I CAN WISH UPON MYSELF! :D
Q: Are you a friendly person?
- yes.
Q: Where did you sleep last night?
- my room, of course.
Q: Why did you sleep there?
- 'coz IT'S MY ROOM!!! DUHH.
Q: When was the last time you cried?
- when my eyes were teary for no reason.
Q: What was your last thought before this day?
- about when to get my salary. ha ha ha.
Q: What do you hear right now?
- the tv.
Q: Does anything hurt you right now?
- my long bike scratch on my leg. about 3-4 inches ong, i think.
Are you missing someone right now?
- a big huge YES!
Are you tired?
- no.
► Age?
- sweet sixteen.
►Eye color?
- dark brown.
►Zodiac sign?
- Scorpio.
►Male or female?
- Female, DUHH.
- slight, i think.
►Hair color?
- dark brown. almost black.
►Sweats or Jeans?
- err, jeans?
►Phone or Camera?
- phone.
- no.
►Righty or lefty?
- righty.
==== =============================
►First best friend?
- er, when i was still in Philippines? Yza Ramirez.
►First award?
- Best in Maths/English.
►First enemy?
- er, idk.
- my white dog. but the longest? a cat.
================== ================
► Eating?
- no.
- no.
►Listening to?
- I Hate This Part - PCD
►Plans for tomorrow?
- er, collect my pay? no no... ill go to church instead. :DDD
►Waiting for?
- the day i get to work again and get my pay. :D
►Lips or eyes ?
- eyes? BOTH.
►Shorter or taller?
►Romantic or spontaneous?
- romantic
►Sensitive or loud?
- sensitive?
►Hook-up or in a relationship?
- in a relationship.
========================== =========
►Drank bubbles
- when i was a kid, YES. (the taste sucks.)
►Lost glasses/contacts?
- yep.
►Ran away from home?
- no. i would never do that.
►Broken someone's heart?
- yes, kinda.
►Been arrested?
- no.
=================================== ===
►Do you like someone?
- a big YES! OMGee.
►are you seriously happy with your life?
►Post as 100 truths about "YOUR NAME"
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.