hello! im gonna blog about the Sleepover @ Marie's house. :DFIRST DAY...
Met up in Marie's house, Inah coming later on... Went to Bugis Street with Joy, Marie, Mei and Grace.
Bought 1 Poklie Dress, 1 Cardi-Hoodie and Hair Extensions (1 blonde, 2 reddish-pink). Marie bought clothes, Joy bought clothes - one was the opposite color of my polkie dress. :D lols. we look like the ying and the yang. Mei bought 1 black vest, Grace bought a cardi-hoodie with me. Joy and i went for hair extension.
After shopping, went to KFC to munch on small snacks, then went to Joy's house to take several things. they were the chips, camera, Joy's keys, etc.FIRST NIGHT...
Joy, Marie and i went to Marie's housr after Joy's house. the rest went straight to Marie's house (they didn't go to Joy's house). Cam-whored with the polkie dresses. lol. Had girl talk and slept.
Inah slept beside Joy, Mei slept beside Grace, i slept beside Marie.
Marie is a sleep-talker, and she moves alot. When she sleeps beside Joy, Joy always kena hit by Marie. lols! Surprisingly, i slept beside Marie and i didn't get beaten up. Joy was like... O.O"
Woke up, watched Russell Peter Show, bathed, Joy went Gen with Dean, the rest and i went to Grace's house to help her mom bring food to Marie's house (second day was the bessing of the house and the party).
Played the 'Would You Rather' game with the rest of the girls. we went to the bubble tea shop and then the sushi shop (iSUSHI), then went back.
Inah and Mei danced to the song 'Can I Have This Dance' by Zac Efron and V Hudgens.
Marie and i went to the nearest NTUC tobuy 2 plastics of ice, with background music 'Hot N Cold' by Katy Perry (she's pretty :D)
watched Twilight, Inah and i had alot of complains about the movie. Jasper's hot btw, Emmett's hot as Joy said.
Played Boggle with Dean, Grace and Inah. had a score of 40 on the second game, which made a tie between me n Dean. i can't remember my scores on the first and last games, but i think i had 12 points on the first one.
Played the 'Would You Rather' game with Anthony and friend, and the rest of the girls. Mei left for Malaysia trip for the Christmas (i think).
(my hair extensions) LAST DAY...
Grace went home early to take care of the twins (her sisters), and then Inah also went home around 2 for a basketball game (which she doesn't want to go).
Marie, Joy, Anthony and i went for 6pm mass. Departed ways after mass. met with my family, bought my brother's phone and went home.
&& i have a RED VOLLEYBALL BALL!!!
whee~ :D
cHaO. =D
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
yo, people!!sorry Tara for delaying my 14November post.ok, here it is:14November2008...went to Tara's house and had a party for Ashling and Tara's birthday.the people who were there are:Josephine, Samantha, the Diong twins, me, Sascha, Stacy, Jessica, Joy and Herman.first part: Tennis...Herman was sabotaged. hahah.and then Ashling and i practiced our Paper Planes dance (dance from Marie). hahah.and then we played with Tara's skateboard. haha, Ashling passed Level 1 and then skipped Level 2 and she ended up in Level 3. haha!and then we went to the pool to talk rubbish. hahaplayed @ the playground with the zip line.Went to the bbq pit and then the Diong twins blew the candles.omg, it was the Swensen's ice cream cake!!!unfortunately, i didnt get the chance to eat a slice 'coz i need to rush home.ok, ill tell you why i dont update my blog everyday...it's because I'M BORED!!!everyday, same thing.. play DjMax 2 and Monster Hunter 2...and then read Breaking Dawn...oh yeah, i haven't finished my Breaking Dawn yet, coz im looking for part-time jobs for me, Ashling and Sascha.done!ANTOHER NOTE: to Esther, i won't be updating the Twilight blog with you answer yet 'coz i'm waiting for the answers of others. thankyouverymuch.cHaO.
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
okok, today was a great day. =D

my own collection of the Twilight Saga.
WARNING: I'll be blabbing about Twilight for this post so if you're annoyed about Twilight (which i hope not), meet "Mr. Close Button" at the top right corner of your screen. please click if you're an anti-Twilight-er.
at first, we found the first book for Marie (she wants to buy the collection). i found Breaking Dawn. and then we started dumping books inside our box. and somewhere in the middle of "book hunting", i saw New Moon - the hard cover. at first, all books were a mess, not knowing what to buy. i picked the "Simpsons Poster Book" and it was so AWESOME!! haha. too bad i did not buy it.
then we went to the queue. cashier area was on the other corner of hall 4b...imagine that you need to queue up, and the end of the line was just slightly beside the cashier area, and you need to 'touch the four walls and corners of the whole hall', like you need to walk one round just to get to the cashier! gawd.we sorted out the books, we took one more box.one for the 'sure-you'll-but-it', one for the 'not-so-sure'.
we got bored, we took another box. the 'discarded' books. =D
and guess what, from all the books we picked, only three were taken.then after paying at the cashier, Marie received two vouchers from MPH and she was so angry that she wanted to but another small Twilight book (the small Twilight book is for Inah) and she wanted to buy it so badly, just to complete the whole collection. haha!went to BK (Burger King) after that, saw a bus for 'toddlers'. Inah was curious, so she was forcing us to follow her there. lols.then Marie disagreed, saying that it will just embarrass the three of us.Inah refused, took Marie's handphone and said "BUS OR NO PHONE?!?!"haha.and then Marie took Inah's phone and said "NO BUS OR NO PHONE?!?!"lols!!!then went to wait for Inah's parents, on the 'poste'!!! lols.played 'i spy' then Marie and i went to East Point to buy her Eclipse.
went to my house and covered her books with plastic cover. took picture with my own collection and then Marie went home. =Dthanks, people, i had a great time =Dand then i went online, talking to RED ('coz im bored), disturbing him.and he was disturbed because i asked him whether he's annoyed or not alot of times, rather than being annoyed at me asking alot of questions.he made me laugh, although it was not funny. i don't know, maybe talking to red makes me smile?lols i really, really had a great time spending my 'whole day' with Inah-pong and my Edward#3 & CrapPartner#1 (Edward#3 and CrapPartner#1 are the same person, which is Marie). haha.okay, gotta go, people!cHaO!! =D
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
hello! im back.basically, what happened yesterday is that... ...I READ ECLIPSE THE WHOLE DAY.
that sucks, doesn't it, when you have nothing to do but to read Eclipse the whole day...
although i might be reading it again for the sake of Ashling.
*after a few minutes*omgomgomgomgogmgomgomgomgomg!!OME!!! (Oh My Edward!)haha.okok. i'm bored, so im gonna blog in some facts about Twilight (highlighting all the key points).Edward's full name is Edward Anthony Masen Cullen (nice one, Anthony!! =D), born June 20, 1901. He became a vampire on year 1918.
his mother's name (when he was still a human) is Elizabeth Masen.
his sister, Alice Cullen, was Mary Alice Brandon when she was human.
Alice's human sister, Cynthia, lives in Biloxi (Page 400, New Moon).
Jasper was Major Jasper Whitlock (Eclipse)
Bella's full name is Isabella Marie Swan, born September 13, 1987 (a big gap between her and Edward. yup.)
Jacob, full name Jacob Black, the 'stupid' dog (according to Bella), was born on 1990. Bella calls him 'Jake'.
From Bella, "Jacob was a girt from the gods" (Page 136, New Moon).okay, that's all. =Dand then when i was reading Eclipse, i jotted down some notes when i see an interesting/funny part from the book.Written in Edward's elegant handwriting (Page 95, Eclipse):"I'll be back so soon you won't have time to miss me.
Look after my heart - I've left it with you."
OME!! (Oh My Edward!!!)Bella on the phone with Jake (Page 149, Eclipse):"I have been tortured - Alice painted my toenails"
Jacob in Bella's house, kitchen area, checking on the smell of the "thief" in Bella's room (Page 216, Eclipse):"Does my being half-naked bother you?"
Jacob's response to Bella after admitting that he loves her - seriously. (Page 328, Eclipse):"Okay," Jacob grimaced. "that's all"
Edward and Jacob arguing about who Bella will choose between the two of them (Page 341, Eclipse):Jacob nodded. "Yes, may the best man win"
"That sounds about right . . . pup."
Alice pleading to Bella to allow her to do their wedding (Page 465, Eclipse):"Please, please, please," she whispered. "Please, Bella, please - if you really love me . . . Please let me do your wedding.""Aw, Alice!" I groaned, pulling away and standing up. "No! Don't do this to me.""If you really, truly love me, Bella."I folded my arms across my chest. "That is so unfair. And Edward kind of already used that one on me.""I'll bet Edward would like it better if you did this traditionally, through he'd never tell you that. And Esme - think what it would mean to her!"I groaned. "I'd rather face the newborns alone.""I'll owe you for a decade.""You'd owe me for a century!"Her eyes glowed. "Is that a yes?""No! I don't want to do this!""You won't have to do anything but walk a few yards and then repeat after the minister.""Ugh! Ugh, ugh!""Please?" She started bouncing in place. "Please, please, please, please, please?""I'll never, never ever forgive you for this,Alice.""Yay!" she squealed, clapping her hands together."That's not a yes!""But it will be," she sang."Edward!" I yelled, stalking out of the garage. "I know you're listening. Get over here." Alice was right behind me, still clapping.haha. weird-o's=Dbefore i leave, i am thinking of my second part of my life storyrecap from last time! =DStory Start:I hope i can read Edward's mind, but fortunately I can't.Probably he's irritated right now, to me and my unending questions.I'm not the type of person who gets angry when people don't talk to me. Instead, I become more worried when time pass by.And here I am, worried that this Edward Cullen might be angry, because of me and my unending questions.And what do I expect to tell him?Sorry, I won't ask questions again, Just to hope that I can read his mind. and if you still don't believe me, i like you.No, I won't say that.Patience, my dear. Having this said to myself doesn't help.
Maybe I'll see him later, hopefully. Please go today. I want to see you.
Maybe he kept quiet because he has errands to run to, or he had an emergency or something.The impatience I had made me want to talk to him more, but I have to give him some time for himself.
Him. Edward Cullen. He had been appearing in my dreams this past few nights. But why? Why in my dreams? Why him?ouh btw, pics of Mar-bear-ie and Me! =D

lols.okok, gotta go!cHaO!!
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
photos uploaded! all me, haha. more photos of me n my crap talkers soon... i gtg, i have CCA.

Popular East Point called my phone 'coz i ordered a book... and...
oke. gotta go, people!
cHaO!! =D
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
...continued.ouh yeah, before i forgot... Tara's so cute in her Confirmation dresshaha =Dokok.bout what happened on the last part...Gericho made a house in The Sims 2 and realized that it was a community lot - which wasted his time.and then Anthony and Marie were reading Twilight, Inah worked on her lappie.Dean played Monster Hunter with my brother, Grace and Mei worked on my laptop.me, i did a few things.i read New Moon again, used the lappie to blog (last night) and ate bread rolls.and then Marie, Inah and i went out to buy ice. and then they made a fool of ourselves... we were laughing the night away! haha.then they all left.next day...went to a POSB branch in Tampines interchange and followed my mom...(had a new account) deposited my $$$ =Dand followed my mom buy stuffs,like my pink tee and tank top (i think), and black shorts. she bought a yellow teekk, im gonna listen to music now...radioblogclub.com...
pictures will be uploaded soon! =D
cHaO. =D
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
hello!partay at my house, people!!or should i say "My crib" quoted from Marie. haha.okok, ill blog bout the 2nd part first (yesterday)went to Gericho's house (or Gericho's crib. haha)and then we watched HSM2 Uncensored deleted scenes. ouh, Camp Rock deleted scenes, too.well, it's not really deleted scenes, just some edited video. haha!and then we watched The Superhero Movie. haha.Marie gave me a red shutter shades...♥♥♥ THANKS, MAR-BEAR. ♥♥♥
and then we laughed the night away... =Dthird part!!!
went to church, saw Charles and Vanessa.and then Gaven (wrong spelling?) was walking on the isle and he was swaying his arm and then his card flew off his hand!! and then Charles and i chuckled at the same time!!! haha!and i felt like i'm taller even for only a few hours. =Dokok skip the taxi part.went to my house and then everyone started coming over..whee~out but Gericho and Grace went home with me...they're the first ones who arrived at my place =Dand i can't blog anymore 'coz i am blogging 'bout what happened until now (blogging)gonna blog what happened next tomorrow =Douh yeah!! Marie needs an ear check up 'coz i told her something 'bout "broken telephone" and then she repeated what she heard which is "broken toilet bowl"!!! HAHA!!cHaO.
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
160th post. 08November2008..
First was CCA, and then
tha 'partay' was so funny!! haha.ouh, the partay was ONLY the first part. today's the second part......and today's not the last part. haha.went to Marie's house ytd right after the rehearsals for my Confirmation.and then Mar-Bear had DJMAX PORTABLE THREE!!!omgomgomgomgomgomgomg.if you're playing the Portable 2, you might notice that the video intro for Portable 2 is 'Your Own Miracle'they have that as a song in Portable 3!!and Marie and I were fighting over what the correct lyric is..."Be America" and "Your very Own Miracle"'coz Marie thought that when you listen to the song, you'll hear "America"lols.okay, here's the lyrics: Close your eyes.. take some time just to [center your soul] and be at one...
with the sky.. You can fly if you unfurl your wings to face the sun!
In your mind.. you will find all the power you need to get things done...
And your [dreams].. they can seem like mere shadow of brighter days to come
Shoot for the moon! If you miss you will still be among the stars
Don't ever stop! If you never give up you are guaranteed to go far
Be your very own miracle [MARIE!! NOT AMERICA. haha.]
You can't win a race standing still. Go on
Pick those beautiful feet up from off the floor Rise and Sour
Be your very own miracle
Just believe you can, and you will. Have faith
Every goal that you make is a chain you break to set your spirit free!
Every page you have turned in this book of your life has led you here
Every step that you take you grow closer to conquering your fear
Dreams can come true! but they depend on you and how strong you are
Don't ever stop! If you never give up you are guaranteed to go far

Music Playlist at MixPod.com
go ahead, play it. (Ruby Tuesday - Your Own Miracle)
sorry, the music might clash with my background music.
but my background music is softer than this. =D
haha!and then Dean was like...BEAR-BEAR-LY (Beverly)well, that's what Marie heard..whoa, Marie, i think you need your ear to be checked up. haha.and then Marie was with the lappie, and then she started disturbing people.and in return, she was disturbed, too =D
and Marie was like 'goinging' instead of 'going'
k, gonna wait for later's partay! =D
CHANGE TOPIC.let's just say that my life is almost exactly like Bella Swan.except for she doesn't like music, 'coz i LOVE music. too much to let it go.and then the Edward Cullen is my friend (of course.)Story Start:I hope i can read Edward's mind, but fortunately I can't.Probably he's irritated right now, to me and my unending questions.I'm not the type of person who gets angry when people don't talk to me. Instead, I become more worried when time pass by.And here I am, worried that this Edward Cullen might be angry, because of me and my unending questions.And what do I expect to tell him?Sorry, I won't ask questions again, Just to hope that I can read his mind. and if you still don't believe me, i like you.No, I won't say that.Patience, my dear. Having this said to myself doesn't help.
Maybe I'll see him later, hopefully. Please go today. I want to see you.
Maybe he kept quiet because he has errands to run to, or he had an emergency or something.The impatience I had made me want to talk to him more, but I have to give him some time for himself.
Him. Edward Cullen. He had been appearing in my dreams this past few nights. But why? Why in my dreams? Why him?
haha. that was the VERY FIRST CHAPTER of my so-called 'Book'.and im thinking of more things that i remember happening to me that i can relate to Bella's story.
and regarding of my dreams, i have two people in mind. Edward and 'red' (red is a secret. to ppl who already know who im referring to, shh!)
and i have currently three dreams in mind right now.
anyway, i gotta go. my brother's gonna use the lappie...cHaO =D
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
hello. =D
i edited my blog and there will be a background music...
if you dont know, first one's Decode by Paramore, can be found in the Twilight Soundtrack.
second, Forgive Me by Leona Lewis.. =D
Check Yes Juliet by We the Kings...
its an old song, though. but it's awesome =D
Thunder by Boys Like Girls
and then Disturbia by Rihanna
gawsh, im bored, with the capital 'B'.
gotta go, peepz!!!.
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
Beary Set A, Marina Square

yesterday was kinda fun.. =]went to Singapore Zoo and went around.we didn't see that much, 'coz firstly, it was raining.secondly, no enough time.lastly, tired.actually, i have a sprained ankle and a slight fever (shh!)we actually took the advantage of going around the Zoo - after 6! (people must be out of the Zoo after 6pm)went out of the zoo around 06.45pm. haha.today was fun, too =Dwent to Tampines Mall with Dean (godbrother) to watch HSM3and it was awesome. i think the movie was awesome.Sharpay looks like.... urgh. (i meant the character, not Ashley Tisdale.)i like pink, but i hate it in many different ways.but i think i like red better than pink. i wore red and black today.haha.k, back to the topic.and V is so pretty, well, Ashley too.and Dean said that HSM3 was broadcasted in the movies because they wanna make some money.but before the movie, we went to the arcade and played racing, gun, racing, and then racing again.and then the pinball thing.sheesh! arcades cheat my money. (arcades suck in your money)yep.and then i went to Guardian, bought eye-mo for my dad.my parents did not go to work today, they're both sick.anyway, im goint to school tomorrow (for CCA) and somewhere in Eunos (for Chingay rehearsals)i don't know what to blog now. gotta go, people. cHaO =D
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
hey people!!
im back. i have no time to blog, but i have a bit of free time to summarize my whole week.
last week sucked... even though it was the week of my birthday. as if my birthday never existed.
well, i appreciate some people for cheering me up.
i was supposed to shop last Saturday, but guess what, my brother had more than i did.
that sucks.
but i took the opportunity to shop for more the next day (Sunday) and i got new bag, a watch, a tank top, a slipper, New Moon (best selling Stephenie Meyer novel), and a scrapbook (which i am now designing). i didnt go to Chingay rehearsals because i had a sprain on my ankle and i was having a fever (shh!! my parents didnt know).
i went to Jurong Bird Park last Friday, had free pearl (REAL! i saw it being taken out from the oyster) and im going to the Singapore Zoo today (Monday). im taking two of my mom's sister's friends to the main attractions here in Singapore. im tasked to be their tour guide. =D
well, i need to go now. Marie, ill talk to you on Saturday (having a partay again. haha. that's life for me. =D)
cHaO. [=
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.