hello, people.
go check it out. (:
nway im gonna play djmax portable 2 now..
cHaO. (:
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
lol this pics made me laugh...

It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
im back...
same as yesterday.....
but i'm better now..
thanks to Ashling, Sascha and Tara for cheering me up. (:
still got no mood to blog...
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
forgot to blog something...
i just realized that there's no blog archives for this blogskin...
you can get it from my links...
i'll edit them, people. (:
and anyway,
thaks to Sascha, Ashling fr cheering me up...
i feel lighter now. (:
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
"be happy, people."tryin' to forget 'bout it...agh forget that line, people.i feel so emo now...i feel like im hating myself...agh, no mood to blog...didnt eat breakfast..starving to death right now..im hungry, but i dont have the mood to eat.so sad, depressed...agh.i don't think im enjoying my holidays..(some people know why im like this..)anyway im thinking deep thoughts now.im so blank 'bout what to blog...k nway im in my friend's house now...i really dun get the point 'bout what they mean.agh.. i understand them, but i dont completely understand them..
agh please ignore me right now..ignore this post, maybe just for once...
ignore all my nonesense, just for this thing.
ignore all those words i just said..
ignore me, that's what i think is best
ignore this post and don't feel affected.
ignore this line, this is just random...
ignore this post, im just emoing.
ignore this feeling, but i cant forget it.ignore me if you find it annoying.
i'll ignore myself starting from nowignore all those thoughts that sounds crap.ignore the things i did wrongignore everything i did wrong.ignore the girl who always feel sad (me).ignore this girl, for she's just an ordinary girl.
this is the day when i emo-ed the most.and now, still emoing..can't smile in front of my friends..im tryin not to show them frown,but i can't help it.i don't wan them to be sad..so im tryna be happy..
"putting a mask above the real expression.." quoted by Idayu (i miss you, Idayu.)...
okok.. gtg now...gotta show them a smile of my face.cHaO. ):
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
Sabirah and my Geography project. [=
Thanks, Cheryl (:
All the Stabilos (except for the orange) are mine... tulips by Cheryl, to Ashie, Sascha and me. (:
cute??? (: hello, people. i'm back. (:this day was a colorful day...didn't get tired..i was hyper the whole day..WHOLE DAY, people. whole day...all the way 'til the end of school..then i went home to rest..but i didn't rest at all..just ate ice cream... lol.i wanna go on diet but im so stressed that i cannot tahan, still continue eating. lol. k then blogged. (:anyway tomorrow's the Teacher's Day celebration for my school..scared i kena press wrong button for the music..lol. nway i can't wait for september holidays'coz my school friends, my crew and my filipino friends (my 3 groups friends) are plannin to have a hang out this holidays...one day for my school friends, one day for my crew and one day for my filipino friends..whee~i'm contented with my life now...but the thing is,i miss 'em so damn badly.and oh, i just remembered that Cigku Siti's last day with us was yesterday..i almst cried at home ytd.i really like her as my MLB teacheri learned alot of things from her...anyway stop all those emo-ing...have fun 'coz it's almost the holidays!!be happy, people....one week of holiday, ya noe!!! (:enjoy your holidays, dudes. (:one week of craziness. [=one week of fun. [=one week of never-ending stories. [=one week of unforgettable memories. [=one week of free time. [=one week of freedom. [=one week of hang-outs. [=one week of gimmicks. [=one week of sound trip. [=one week of randomness. [=one week of retardness. [=one week of happiness [=one week of people with smile on their faces. [=one week of people with contented faces. [=one week of unforgettable moments. [=one week of everything. [=be happy, people. cHaO. (:
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
hello...here are some pics taken from:- Wednesday, 20August'08;
- Saturday, 23August'08; and
- Sunday, 24August'08.
Start from Friday...(:
me and Ayu... fell down from doin babyfreeze. (:
me. Chris and Afi behind.
me, Chris, Idayu and Afi. Afi fell down. lol.
Ayu, Chris and Afi. and my fingers. (:
Seasons and Pokka Apple and Peach Tea. (: Then Saturday...
block b... gonna miss 'em so badly...
Appreciation Tea opening dance crew... one from BA, one from DB, one from BB ad one from DA. lol (: Sunday. (:
oops, sorry samantha...

a better one... (: what do u think of the pic?!?! nice??
i think it is nice. (: haha...anyway my mom's sick now..im worried bout her...so after i did some of my homework i helped her do stuffs like house chores (er, duno.)then bought fruits from the supermarket..actually i duno how to choose the right fruit..i just choose the nice looking ones.. (:for te apple, the one without dark parts..same as orange... those that were fresh from the fridge. (:when i went home it was raining.didnt get to bring my umbrella so nvm, run/speedwalk.my dad said that i chose the right fruits.whee~ my first time actually.didnt expect to get the nice ones. (:kk nway continued using the com..chose my new blogskin (thanks to Cheska for helping me :D )and now, still blogging. (:and oh, crap.i forgot that tomorow's the deadline for the Geography project.noooooooooooooooo.
k i'd better do it now.cHaO. (:
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
hello..just came back from the Appreciation Tea party..okok here's what happened...7am i woke up. prepared my cargo pants and my white t-shirt for the performance...7.45am left home, smsed Afi...arrived at Cityhall MRT, called Chris to check whether he's there alr..9.15am all in the esplanade underground...practiced again and again to polish the dance...went to the venue after that...felt nervous, heart beating so fast... even before the dance..and our dance was the opening item..had encouragement wit my good friends.. (thanks, guys. :D)dance was successful, but still felt nervous...dunno why..but i received good comments from the audience..to Ayu, Afi and Chris...good job, guys. (:although felt so damn freaking nervous at that time...we got each other to encourage us..also thanks to Petrina who became our Dj..man...we were one helluva crew out there. (:then after the party, went to esplanade with Ayu and Afi..chilled at the esplanade library...Petrina not there, she got party.Chris not there, he got somewhere to go...gawd i really REALLY needa spend more time with them...then went home..agh, wishing that i can spend more time with them...i enjoy being with them... (:then went to Marie's house (gawd i miss them too.)wishing that everyone was there...kinda tiring..but yeah...gawd im missing all of my friends now...and Tara and Herman, stop fighting with Charles.hahah.cHaO, people.\m/
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
hello, people.. (:im back...today's my dad's birthday party...im gonna see my friends again!!whee~~.then then wednesday im gonna see my peeps......gonna dance the night away. (:yay.....okok anyway,...yeah, today's the party....and im kinda tired'coz my mom asked me to get the cake in pasir ris...and then before that i went somewhere near holy trinity church to buy ingredients for the food.okok i've got nothing to blog now...and 'coz no one asked me to blog 'bout them...
k gtg..cHaO. ((:
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
okok stop the emo-ing...sorry people, i've been so emo since 090808 event ended...anyway emo is a healthy thing... in a way.nway this week was a normal one.....as usual.....but monday had no schooltuesday was my dad's birthday...and wednesday had dance practice with my peeps...hah i had fun, man...one of the best days of my life.. (:practiced our dance 'coz we're goin to perform on the 23 August..me, Idayu, Afi and Chris...agh,words couldn't explain how happy we were...hahah.
names of my friends who made my life even better.
oh, man... there's a story behind this dog...and if you don't believe me, it's a keychain.yep. A KEYCHAIN.believe in me, people.a keychain...yep.......yup. keychain.....ok stop..
anyway when my friends see this dog they always have a common line to say:"oh, so cuuuute!!!"haha cute meh?!?!okok anyway wednesday was so.... agh REALLY. hard to explain...but all i can say is that it was one of the best days of my life...the four of us were smiling all the way...then we went to the memorial thinggy..took pics. the guys acted girls and the girls acted guys..hahahhah.then i went home...then earlier that day Sascha brought a cute Milo packet..and IT WAS SO SMALL!!!
almost the size of Ashling's thumb.go on, try and measure it...
...and it's even almost the size of my Eye-Mo.yep. try and measure it...(hahah, Siti on the background.) Sascha brought another one just now..hahahanyway today's friday..tomorrow's my dad's party..then Vanessa (my NDP Mentor)smsed me...awww, she called us 'sunshines'*sniff sniff*i'm gonna miss her...okok anyway she said that there's Block B gathering tomorrow..but i can't.. (sorry.)clashed with my dad's party..and i have to collect the cake..man, i feel so special.i'm the one who's collecting the cake..it's the cake, people... the main thing when it comes to birthday parties..okok anyway,yep..i think that's all.ouh, ouh!and my brothers had new games for the psp...one is Mortal Combat: Unchainedoh, man.... alot of bloody scenes.....gross.kk that's all, i think...cHaO. (:
the time now: 05.40pm (Friday)
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
*yo Fatima, the pics are below, ya (:
hello, people..
ndp's finally over...
"finally over" also means that "fun's finally over"
to tell y'all the truth im gonna miss my peeps so damn badly...
man, wonder why...
still don't know where i really belong...
agh, long story...
i feel so emotional these days...
feel like hating myself..
no, i already hate myself.
i hate myself. yep.
agh I DUNNO WHY!!!
shiaoooowt.......maaan, someone
please please please stop me.
i'm still lost,
waiting for someone to find me...
feel like something's missing...
and i dunno what it is.
don't know what i'm thinking,
don't know what's missing...
don't know what i really am...
don't know what my true potentials are...
don't know who can help me put this sad face away..
don't know who can make me smile..
don't know what can make me return to my old self...
don't know who can bring me back to life...
nway these are the photos i took from last week:

took this in gericho's place, twins' party...

It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
kk this is for Ayu...haha FOR YOU, girl. (:okok, Ayu arh...to tell u the truth i find her cute...she always makes my day betteri like her energy..
she very energetic...
well, most of the time. (:
then arh we both like same songs...
almost every song she sings,
i also sing along
'coz i know the song, duh.
then arh
she also makes me smile...
when i got problems she'll listen and talk to me 'bout it..
she also gives me advice
and if she also got problems
i also listen to her and give her advice.
it's a two-way thing, dude.
then then she's my idol when it comes to DJMAX.man, she's a PRO, man... a PRO.then arh,i also like the way she dance..she's good, man...then then she taught me how to do breakdance...and i'm now getting better at it (:
she also can draw, people.
men, damn nice la.
then then we have our secret handshake..hahathen then theni still remember the 'Darth Vader!!"hahah.then we also share secrets. (:
then then he and Afi arh, they look like 'siblings'...
they don't really look alike la.
but from the past few months
i've seen them treat each other as siblings....
for the past few months,i still don't know her that well..but i know that she's a good gal...a very caring one. (:
To Ayu,i know that NDP's gonna end soon. but i know someday we'll see each other again. and even if we won't see each other that often after NDP you'll still be my friend.and i hope that your finger will recover soon...man, that's gonna hurt... ill scold that skateboard. haha kiddin.and when you said that with your 'magical touch' on my shoulder i'll pass my Bio exam...i really passed it. (: it was quite high. (:take care, dudette. ((:P.S. remember to blog about me too. (:P.P.S. see ya tomorrow. (:***K this is 'bout Dean now.man, he asked me do blog 'bout him.......no, he forced me to blog 'bout him..haha kiddin la.haha anyway Dean arh...he (he's staring at the monitor waiting for me to type something)*he's still staring. and nodding his head.*he nods again.kk anyway..Dean arh.......he ask me to say anything 'bout him...aiya duno wad to say..Dean's Joy's so-called 'mortal enemy'(Dean asked Joy if she's his mortal enemy the Joy said "don't ask me, shaddup. ok la just friends.")okok they are friends la...haha and he always take pics....i just left for a few minutes then Dean (and Joy) began typing crap.here's what they typed WHILE I'M AWAY:"he very handsome actuallysshh dun tell anyoneits our secret ok!! hahaso erm, yeah gt secret admirebt too bad its nt himhe got a gf ald(JANNINE)haha, yeah... nw he disturbing me nonstopaaww, he's kinda sweet u knw...ooppss another secret outhaha, nah its alright for every1 to knwwell, sometimes he's cute bt most of the time he's crazywhich made me fall for him onceoopps another secret outso thats me storytts all 'bout himnow lets talk abt the guy i like now...GERICHO!! he's kinda sexy for a guywell, he's hot, so hot that i'll drool on him"walao men.maybe Dean's the one droolingk anyway i've known Dean since... the year 2001..he arh, i knew it was him who typed crap and post on my blog...(Dean told me that Joy asked him to type 'publish' wad they did)ok then post lorh...hahahso desp-o, men.haha!!the partay's getting better. (:k back with Dean...he always disturb me...and Joy...and other people... specifically the innocent ones.then arh, he playin psp nowhe can't see what im typing..hahahe arh, sometymes he go crazay that he go around the house disturbing pplthen arh..agh!feel like disturbing hym back...haha no la, no la...i won't.punching hym on the arm's enough...so light-hearted, right?!?!NOT HIM, me...men, who expect him to be so light-hearted???then arh,he lazy follow gericho buy drinks downstairs..but ended up following him.hahahhaha DONE. HAPPY NOW, DEAN?!?!***okay, now GERICHO.he went down (with Joy and Dean) to buy drinksat least he better than Dean!!haha no la, juz kiddin..both of them okay...good friends, good friends..he arh, he can draw...then then arhhe got twin sisters.. so cute. (:one looks like him and the other one looks like Grace..then arh, somethims disturb people.but not as often as how Dean disturb people.he also likes DJMAX.haha first tyme playin he PRO alr.and he's very smart too.anyway Grace likes to use the laptop..continue next time..hey Gericho, remind me yeah?!?later i forget.. (:
ChaO, people. (:
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
hello... today's Sports Day's okay... (:supposed to have bowling but all the bowling centre's full..anyway,
TODAY IS 08-08-08.man, watched the Beijing Ceremony..damn nice la.haha especially the fireworks display (:then then Charles was like:"hey did u watch the beijing ceremony?i was there beside yao ming"as if la, Charles.hahah...anw, im in my friend's house having party...Ynah's havin' a new laugh.and i'm tempted to play Ynah's DJMAX Portable 2..man, hand itchy to play psp alr.hahah...kk anyway ill let Joy play wit the psp first...btw, Mar-Bear's not coming...noooooooooo.why arh, Marie???kk change topic (im being random now.)NDP's tomorrow!!Gosh, im so nervous.and i'm so tired now bcoz of Sports Day and all the chilling out at E-Hub!.but im so tired now...need to sleep early.but i won't miss this event, man.all those months of training won't be worth a while if i don't perform tomorrow.happy, yet so sad.happy: because tomorrow's the day!!"it's like i waited my whole night for this one night... it's gon' be me, you and the dancefloor."sad: because (1)i'm so damn freaking nervous.. how if i forgot a dance step?? then i paisei. ; (2)since NDP's finished from tomorrow night onwards, i won't be spending so much time with my B-Boys and B-Girls already...man, i bet i'll cry.okok, this is a topic given by Charles...it's 'bout my 'church'.okok.. church arh,getting to be confirmed this year.but before that,all of us (my church classmates and i) must do weeks and weeks of service attachment before getting confirmed.kinda tiring, 'coz need to be at the church by 7am every sunday when there's service attachment..and then after the attachment we need to go for catechism...then mine's kinda exhausting 'coz i have dance trainings for NDP every saturday......and the trainings can end until 10.30pm...reach home at around 11.45pm.sleep around 1am the next day...agh.but since NDP's finishing i won't be as exhausted as for the past few months.but, kinda sad la.yep. that's all. i'm speechless now..and i'm kinda sleepy..but my hand arh,itching to get that psp from Joy the Portugese Ass and to play DJMAX..and i noe it's your game, Charles.hahah.blog more next time. (:cHaO.((:
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.

A picture in school Sunken Foyer... (see the skyrunners' pic there???)
hello, im back, people. (:
this week was common test week..
nothing much happened...
but tomorrow's gonna be Sports Day...
omomgomg.im so nervous 'coz im gonna run for 8x50m..
and i'm the last one..
pressure's on me.
then saturday's NDP!!
i'm nervous....
anyway my brother's crying bout why my mom allowed me to use the computer..
'coz normally we're not allowed to use the com from Monday to Thursday..
but my mom allowed me today.and my brother's complaining.so stupid.
cry for not using the computer juz ignoring him...kk nway, tomorrow's the Sports Day.daaaamn im really nervous...
must rest well 'coz im gonna ruuun!!
hahah...then then on Saturday's the actual NDP!!
im gonna miss my friends...
...so badly.
*need more rest*haha im speechless now...don't know what to blog...if ya want me to blog bout something, just let me know.. but of course, ask me to blog bout things that are not insulting... dude, this is a 'clean' blog. i don't wanna blog bout bad things and insulting people. you guys know that iw a 'good girl' right??
right?!? right?!? right?!?
hahah. k gtg. cHaO. (:
the time now: 08.04pm (Thursday)
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
man, im goin to blog 'bout today in a wierd way.Since Charles mentioned about a 'detailed view into my life', then ill have at least one post of that 'detailed view into my life'...okay start.MONDAY, 4Aug'08...05.30am - Alarm Rings. Hit Snooze button.05.35am - Alarm Rings. Hit Snooze button.05.40am - Alarm Rings. Hit Snooze button.05.45am - Alarm Rings. Hit Snooze button.05.50am - Alarm Rings. Hit Off button. auntie sleeping.05.52am - went straight to the bathroom to bathe. actually i am supposed to wake up at 5.30am. hahah06.04am - went to my room to change. auntie still sleeping.06.05am - changed to school uniform. Blue P.E. uniform inside.06.06am - auntie still sleeping.06.10am - tied my hair into a bun. put on my red headband. prepared my bag.06.17am - auntie still sleeping.06.28am - realized that i am late for the bus. auntie woke up.06.29am - went out of the main door, put my Converse shoes on.06.31am - forgot my Malay 'B' text book, went inside the house to look for it.06.34am - found my text book, leave house.06.40am - bus 69 arrived (the new bus). took my 55 cents.06.53am - alighted at Blk 109, walked to school from there.07.15am - prepared for school assembly.*SKIIIIIIIIIIIIP. fast forward.*
01.44pm - classes finished. Toa Payoh smsed.02.15pm - took a double-decker bus 17 to Tampines, went Tampines Regional Library to return book "Cyber Cinderella"04.00pm - went home fromthe library.04.45pm - cooked Mee Goreng.05.18pm - watched MTV. found out that Chris Brown's 'Forever' cams #1 in Chart Attack!! Woohoo!! (man, i LOVE the song.)07.15pm - study.08.13pm - eat broccoli and corn.08.22pm - realized that the book "Party Princess" and my book "Seventh Heaven" by Meg Cabot looks the same. read a few chapters.08.23pm - took my towel (beige in color) and go bathe.08.47pm - finished taking a bath, changed clothes. specifically my white flower print t-shirt and pink spongebob shorts. cute.08.51pm - had my colds back. *sniff, sniff*08.55pm - continued studying.10.23pm - blogging. that's now.the next things i'm gonna do:-continue studying-then sleep.anyway I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE 'MY' B-GIRLS AND B-BOYS TOMORROW. (:cHaO. (:
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
SATURDAY, 2Aug'08...went to the Singapore Flyer Carpark...hahah but before that i met up with Afi n Ayu...chilled in Esplanade..then went to Singapore Flyer Carpark.
maaaan, that walk was so disturbing..we went around Cityhall.man, don't ask.kk then we arrived there...got what arh,they got this metal detector thinggy..like those in Changi Airport before you can go in the plane..like security checks...that was inconvenient, but its for our own good..then then then we changed into our cosutmes, put on make-up, ate dinner, felt stomach cramp, warm up.. etc.then they gave us this invitation.."Appreciation Tea"will be held at their community centre..man, can't wait. (:kk then after our performance i felt my tummy aching again.then we circled around some dancers who were freestylin'.man, so cool.(:then i think someone pushed me.felt my tummy aching more.went behind the crowd, almost fainting...then then theni was asked to see the doctor..so i went. actually i didn't want to see a doctor...kk anyway,the doctor gave me a set of tablets...the tablets are so huge, almost the size of my thumb nail.he told me to take it three times a day...started taking after he said that..took a tablet, swallowed then drank water to swallow..then he said "hey, you're not suppose to swallow it!!""then what am i supposed to do with it?!"guess what...I HAVE TO CHEW IT...have to chew it, man. CHEW IT.why am i so dumb to swallow it?!?then after that i can't breathe properly'coz i can feel the tablet stucked in my gullet. hahathen walked to the carpark again,went home wit Pet, Ayu and Afi.SUNDAY, 3Aug'08...okok today was service attachment..and guess what,i just experienced how guys talk when girls aren't around..Charles and avin were talkin 'bout 'guy stuff'and I CAN ACTUALLY HEAR IT.coz i was eating breakfast with them.now i know what guys talk about...well, some guys.... not all guys.man, Charles you are so SICK.well, not only you la.. Gavin also...anyway HOW TO SPELL HIS NAME?!? GAVIN OR GAVEN?!?HAHA.
then then after the attachment Charles and i saw this sign in front of the taxi stand..."stub me out" and "no smoking"haha imagine someone 'stubbing out' the cigarette then that person saw the sign 'no smoking'hahah that was a discovery from Charles.then i went home.. study.sleep. study again. watch Step Up 2. eat. bathe. study. the sleep.
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
okok Charles gave me this topic...
aiden says:blog about...me (:okok lor.
"A Blog Entry Featuring Aiden the Maiden"actually the nickname "Maiden" was taken from Dean.
Dean Maiden.. lol
kk back to
Aiden the Maiden...
hmmm. this guy arh,
every Sunday service Attachment i disturb him...
but he disturbs me back..
then then arh misscall to disturb
then on Joy's partay he was there
all of us played Truth or Dare
and and he give those 'sick' dares..
lol as if he didn't do a 'sick' dare...
hmph, polluting the young minds.
lol kiddin lor.
those people's minds already polluted.. hahahh.
k what else, arh??then one day arh
he and Gaven made fun bout my height
'coz they're so damn tall lor.
then every service attachment...
the two of them slack...
then he arh, still disturb me..
k fine lor, disturb him back
then then then
my friends and i tried to 'pair' him up with someone
hahah i noe who the girl is...
cant tell lor.
later she angry..
haha sorry Charles, can't tell...
then then then
what else lor...
on the bright side he's also a nice guy.
cn accompany ppl lor.
a very gd fren too. (:
kk wad else, arh?
k nthn to say alr...
nah, happy now, Charles??
tag me back (:
aww, man.. this is fun...
must feature someone else next time.. (:
hahah cHaO.
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
hello, viewers...tis week was so wierd, i tell ya. WIERD.okokMONDAY, 28July'08...normal day, just don't have CCA...can't wait to see my friends frm NDP...haven't seen them for a whole week...TUESDAY, 29July'08...oh, man... went to Science Center..and it was so damn cool!!!
lol 'fake' bus stop. (:
lol then we saw this machine that can tell the percentae of genes in common with the animal you choose.. that was Joy, not me.then then went straight for NDP rehearsals...missed them 'coz i havent seen them since when ar, since 19July'08... and today's 29July...
and guess who gave me this... people who know, don't tell...
WEDNESDAY, 30July'08...it was a free curriculum mornin...was doin the rest of my homework in class before assembly...what homework? EMATHS (DNA a.k.a. DO NOT ASK).then i was using my calculator..it fell down,and guess what...
my calculator was bleeding.okok then we all realized that it was a "messed-up" day......and "messed-up" people came to gather at one table..hahah...okok, for example:Siti: eh, Bea, where's Joy?Bea: with Tara, lor.(i didn't realized that Tara was beside me.)hahah...okok, another one...Thivya: Joy!!(actually she was callin me and accidentally called me Joy)hahah.okok ANOTHER ONE!!!when people call Sophie (Tara's sis), Tara will be the one who will look...Siti: Sophie!!Tara: Yes??hahah!! you should have seen how we are all messed-up!!THURSDAY, 31July'08...went to Tampines mall with Siti, Tara and Ashling...then then when we browsed shoes @ the Converse shop,i saw this guy who is in my group in NDP (duno what is his name)stare... stare... then said hi.lol hahah then went to Mini Toons to but gifts for Ayu, Afi and Pet.dropped my phone, picked it up.then went popular, Siti, Tara and Ashling went to the Library...went home after buyin school things at Popular..then when i reached home, i noticed that my handphone cover was lost!!daaaaaaaaaamn.then called the Mini Toons shop in Tampines Mall to ask whether they found a handphone coverthen they can't understand me in the phone.. they thought i wanna buy handphone cover.-.-"then went to prepare go TM, took bus 69..walked then this guy grabbed my hand then let go!!damn, i was so pissed.then went Mini Toons, found the cover...man, was so relieved.
k then went home..
then then Joy smsed:
"Let's watch happy potter!!!"
lol haha HAPPY POTTER!! SO CUTE!!!
FRIDAY, 1Aug'08...normal class. Meggy (buddy) and I were so impatient to go home @ the last class of the day...er, more like the last class of the week.haha then then Sascha, Ashie, Fatima and I walked home...LITERALLY.then went to Sascha's house take her mp4 to put songs...went home.slept.then blog...man, can't wait to go Singapore Flyer tomorrow...more like i can't wait to see my friends. (:kk gtg, cHaO.
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.