hello people!!
i have a new setting for my links for people who have two blogs...
for example, i have two blogs, one from multiply and one from blogger...
i named my like "BEA THE BEAR"
"BEA" could be for my multiply link
"BEAR" could be for my blogspot link...
just like Joy's blogs:
Joy the
Portugese Ass. (haha)
"Joy" is for her multiply blog
and then
"Portugese" is for her blogspot...
go check for urself.
click on my links page. (:
get it?!?! get it?!?! get it?!?!k
cHaO. (:
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
hello...the week's just a normal, eat, sleep, bathe, then study again... etc. NDP for me this NDP. no excercise. no, i've got to get my stucked with the hula hoop at home..and and oh., the 'fitness corner'i thought it was a playground..hahahkk nvm.nway im having too much homework this days..don't have time to blog more..homework = stressmore homework = more stressaaand...too much homework = too much stressman im stressed right now...but no choice, need to do all...i want my grades to go up..meaning i want to improve on my doesn't mean that im becoming worse..i just want to improve n my studies...okok... enough of that.nway NDP's back on tuesday!! more day before the Preview...three more trainings before the acutal day...exactly two more weeks before the actual day (well, from now, 26July'08)...but before the training on tuesday im gonna have this 'game-making' thinggy at the Science Centre..they're teaching us on how to make games or something,gawd, i cant wait. (:k nway i gtg..cHaO. (:
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
aloha, everyone!!kk ill blog on what happened yesterday and today...okok start.SATURDAY, 19July'08...went to cityhall for NDP...damn, why must it be so faaaaar??!then walked from there to the "Flying Carpark" hahano no no. its the Singapore Flyer Carpark. (:had Malay 'B' lesson with Afi..then then then i had a box of KFC and then an ice cream and soy bean milk. (Anthony can finish two boxes of KFC. hhahahh)was so fuuuull. (:we had a new face make-up (again)like everytime change...then we had warm-ups, the giving of the t-shirt...then went to the Floating Platform, etc. blah blah all that means.then when its our turn to perform it was raining.nice. (:like Step Up 2:The Streetsomgomgomg COOL, SIA..juz noticed that when Afi told me.went inside the stage to wait for the people to leave..then then Ayu taught me breakdancing..gawd she's GOOD, MAN.. GOOD.then went to the carpark (FLYING CARPARK!!!)knowing that there's no trainings for the upcoming Tuesday and Saturday...felt so happy, yet so sad.happy: 'coz ill get at least a week to rest..sad: 'coz i wont be seeing my hip-hop buddies for a week.DAAAAAAAAAMN, im so saaaaaaaaad.changed clothes..then Charles smsed that he will be a little late for catechism class the next day (TAKE NOTE OF THIS!!)SUNDAY, 20July'08...went for catechism..luckily got no service attachmentif have, ill be so damn exhausted.arrived at my class...sat with Jolene. (:then Charles smsed, i replied:Charles: Boo!Bea: Classes started alr. where r u?Charles: behind youWALAO! i didnt even noe, HAHA!then Portugese ass (Joyous, the Linkin poop) and I went to Eunkyung's house...damn i missed my friends. (:people who were there:- Eunkyung
- Toksombong **got a new name for him: JONATHAN!! haha "it came out of nowhere" quoted by Charles
- Joy **got a new name for her: RETARTED MUSHROOM (by her) and LINKIN FART (by Charles! HAHA!!)
- Mar-bear
- Mei-moi
- Grace
- Edison
- Dean Maiden
- Gericho Miguel
and even Charles wansn't there, he got a new name... -.-"then i took a nap,then after taking a nap we wnt for netball...then i fell down (so embarassing)well, people fall down...then Mar-bear was like:"Bea's good at netball"er, no..i think.then after playing some people went to the areaplaying football between two people (namely Grace and Linkin poop)then he kicked the ball.'accidentally' hit Grace's faceman, the impact was so hardi actually heard the 'piak' soundman, can't they see there are also people who are using the court?!?didn't even say "excuse me"he was playing football in front of Joy's and Grace's facemaaan.DIDN'T EVEN SAY EXCUSE ME!maan, so pissed.kk i shall end now...cHaO. (:
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit. goin to blog bout what happened for the whole week......WHOLE WEEK, i tell ya.okok, start...MONDAY, 14July'08...went for cca, contiued our cca board..damn it was so tiring, duno wad to do after the background..but hpefully got improvement on thursday coz thursday is the last day for the cca board..God, help me.TUESDAY, 15July'08...had my NDP training..hahanway speaking bout NDP, August 9's approaching...i don't want for it to end..because my friends are far from where i livethen after ndp we wont be seeing each other for a long period of time...i spend most of my time with them every tuesday and saturdayand it's like.. maximum ten hours...maaan, im going to miss those times.♥♥♥
i had the WORST heartburn in my life...i was eating spongecake in the canteen with Joy Thivya and Tara...then when i ate halfway, i started to have my heartburn..then i thought that i just need to drink water to stop it,so i went to the drink stall..the drink stall's just there, anyway...but as i approach the stall, my heart began to slow down..felt like fainting...then as i walked back to our table, my heart began to slow down EVEN MORE...drank the milo, but it wasn't helping...maan, i promise my heart stopped beating for a few minutes...cried at home, thinking bout what happened...THURSDAY, 17July' was just a day how normal thursdays were...studying..then i also haven't finished the cca board, although i have done something. (:FRIDAY, 18July''s just a normal friday...wanted to go home so early..was rushing home.. (:aaand...i drew another henna kind of drawing..again..and now,blogging. (:
Hello, please watch the National Day Parade 2008 (NDP08), it will be on August 9. (: ♥♥♥
the time now: 10.03pm (Friday)
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
hello, im back. (:ytd was fun.. hhahahpics on friendster and multiply.. ((:okok, ill tell u mre bout ytd..went to cityhall mrtmet Afi, Ayu haven't come yet...went to browse shops then went to cityhall mrt agai to meet Ayu...went to the bridge near the mini-Merlion..then we went to the Singapore Flyer then when we were entering the carpark we were like having our grand entrance coz of our shadescool, huh? ((:then we saw petrina, went to the mall near the Singapore Flyer to take pics..then went back to the carparkhad make-up put on...please la make-up ytd was better than last week.&& the fireworks are better too.. (:then when goin home...Ayu, Afi n I were singing our songs.. lol Petrina so quiet. (:then shared the music with Afi listening to Chris Brown songs.then went home..arrived home at 12.16am..well, that's the summary.. (:TODAY. dundundunduuuuun...woke up at 6am.. argh so early!!!then went for service attachment after preparing...served hot coffee and tea to people..then the auntie,,*piak*i kena, sia.accidentally poured the hot tea on my whole arm..argh it hurts big time... until now..then went home rest, then blog until now.. ((:well, need to edit pics, yeah?cHaO.MSN MESSAGES (IN MY INBOX) COUNT-UP: 3771 MESSAGES...
the time now: 05.20pm (Sunday)
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
erm, dunno what to blog...
i noticed that im not fond of blogging anymore...
becaaaaaaaause... brother's PSLE is coming up..
my parents decided not to allow us (all) for computer games...
well, i think except for this...
okok.. tmoro is the second.. err..wait.
i think its the Combined Rehearsal 3 for ndp?
dunno leh.
kk my mom brought me shades...
coz i gave her those puppy eyes.. (:
then last tuesday Petrina and I switched shades for the day
haha that's all..
dunno wad else to blog..
cHaO. (:
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
hello. back..feeling better class fr Monday, got help frm Afi fr malay b. (:then tuesday we saw our cute faces in the video!! omgomgomg so embarassing we were on tv...k nw im not in the mood to blog... no time to blog too.. (:cHaO. (:MSN MESSAGES (IN MY INBOX) COUNT-UP: 3607 MESSAGES...
the time now: 11.45pm (Wednesday)
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.

hello, im back...
yesterday was
NE Show 1...
3 more shows before the actual show...
man, time flies by..
after the actual show the fun will end...
sad life, like i spend time with them lyk around 10 hours every tuesday and saturday
well, maximum ten hours lah..
man, im gonna miss those times.. ):
im REALLY goin to miss them...damn, i cant help but to be depressed..
i dont want to lose them!!
k im not in the mood to blog now..
sorry, maybe next time?
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
TUESDAY, 1 July 2008...Mr Poh was revising with the class wit angles, there was acute angle, right angle, obtruse angle, straight angle, and there's the other one.Mr Poh asked the whole class on what the last angle is, but th whole class kept quiet.even i kept quiet, and i know the answer.Mr Poh said that anyone who cud answer the question will get a free drink from the Good News Cafe near the Pebble Path of Peace...i answered "reflex angle", so i had the free drink. Mocha Breeze. ((:after that, i went straight for the ndp...met ayu n the rest at cityhall interchange,and i was so damn hungry that time.. felt like fainting... went to a convenient store while walking, bought a Mars bar.then ate sushi with afi in the floating platform. damn the sushi's so niiiice. (:sushi's my favourite.then afi taught me Malay, coz if i dont pass my Malay syllabus B on sec 4 then i have to repeat another year, and another year, and so on and so forth until i pass my Malay syllabus Bthen we went to one side of the floating platform and chilled.then went to get my costume.i chose XS, but the pants are so long and loose.asked my mom to alter it. (:had two free tickets for saturday's combined rehersal..goin to waer the costume... ...and make-up. lol (:then went home, arrived at 12am sharp.bathed then slept. (:Hello, please watch the National Day Parade 2008 (NDP08), it will be on August 9. (:
the time now: 08.43pm (Wednesday)
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.
MONDAY, 30 June 2008...
we had a "would you rather" game with PM and Drama (Glady's and Cherylanne)lol it was sick, i tell you...SICK.okok after that we had CCA.then Mr Yeo asked us to get 2 cameras, 2 tapes (for the cameras) and 2 camera stands, maybe in computer lab 1...went with Kaede to the computer lab, there was this man who opened the door..Mr Arman was rushing, running out of the computer lab..soooooooo, we asked the man if there's the things we need..then he said "ouh you need to ask for it from Mr Arman."HE JUST LEFT!! lol then we looked for him at the CCA office. asked the teachers there, told us that we need to check the General Office...we saw Mr Arman there.. waited for him to come out of the General Office..door opened 3 times but it wasn't him. saw Ms Chia too,then after a few minutes we checked. then he wasn't there!maybe he went to the other way...went back to tell Mr Yeo, who asked us to look for Ms Chia instead of Mr Arman...?!?!?!so we went to the place where we saw Ms Chia, not there. went to the art room but halfway there at the second floor we saw her walking at the canteen area at the ground floor.ran towards her on the first floor, but she we went to the nearest staircase where we saw her, went up the second floor again...then we saw her again (from the second floor).went down again then same thing happened. she disappeared.aiya.give p la. (:
It's a random thing, babe. So talk shit.